BSC Public Health (Economics and Policy) Mukasa Aziz Hawards


Hawards is a Professional Public Health Policy analyst and Health economic consultant with various text books in the health sciences.

He is currently a health practitioner and a health education promoter with various honor code certificates from the Harvard Initiative that is under the school of public health of Harvard University..

He has done most of his studies from Uganda and the research on the health systems in the European countries mostly in the OECD States.

Acerca de mí

Affiliated with the health professionals and the medical academia.
I always look forward for new academic and professional ventures to elevate my career prospects.


Autor desde
Sitio web
Yo busco
job opportunites, professional advancements, academic sponsorship
technical skills, computer knowledge
Grado académico
Bachelors Degree
Hummanities, academics, professionalism

Textos (5)

Autor: BSC Public Health (Economics and Policy) Mukasa Aziz Hawards

eBooks 5
Instituto / Universidad Atlantic International University
Profesión STUDENT
Autor desde 13/9/2013