Tumwine Jesse


Am Ugandan scholar, aged 40 years, born on January First, 1980
A senior Lecturer of History at Bugema university, Department of Arts education a charted Seventh day Adventist institution of higher learning.Am a married man with four children.

Acerca de mí

Am a Ugandan scholar aged 40, a senior lecture of history at Bugema university
Am a married man with four child and a seventh day Adventist by faith.
Am also an examiner of History with Uganda National examinations board


Empleado(a) de
bugema university kampala
Autor desde
Yo busco
scholarship to further my education for phd studies
mentoring, research skills, motivation speaking
Grado académico
master of arts in history
music, reading

Textos (1)

Autor: Tumwine Jesse

eBooks 1
Instituto / Universidad BUGEMA UNIVERSITY KAMPLA
Empleado(a) de bugema university kampala
Profesión LECTURER
Autor desde 13/2/2020