Goran Ilik


Dr. Goran Ilik is an Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law at “St. Kliment Ohridski” University in Bitola (North Macedonia). The academic background includes BA in Law (International Law and International Relations), MA in Political Sciences (European Union Studies) and PhD in Political Sciences with the specific interest in the European Union foreign, security and defense policy. The publication list contains papers, chapters and monographs emphasizing the role of the European Union in the international relations, the institutional architecture of its foreign policy, the EU axiological performances and its international political power. Also, many papers treat the EU role in the new international context in relation to the contemporary challenges of the liberal world order and the EU’s role and place in it. He is author of the books: “Europe at the crossroads: The Treaty of Lisbon as a basis of European Union international identity” and “EUtopia: the international political power of the EU in the process of ideeologization of the post-American world”. Dr. Goran Ilik is co-founder of the Institute for Research and European Studies – Bitola and Editor-in-Chief of the international academic journal “Journal of Liberty and International Affairs” (www.e-jlia.com).

Über mich

Dr. Goran Ilik is Associate Professor at Law faculty at St. Kliment Ohridski University – Bitola. Currently, he is Dean of the Law faculty and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Liberty and International Affairs.


Beschäftigt bei
Law faculty
Angelegt am
Karrierenetzwerk (z.B. XING, LinkedIn) o.Ä.
Höchster Abschluss
PhD in Political Sciences
political science, international relations, international law, EU law

Texte (3)

Autor: Goran Ilik

eBooks 3
Institution / Hochschule University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola
Beschäftigt bei Law faculty
Berufsstand SCHOLAR
Angelegt am 6.8.2019