PhD Hamid Masfour


I obtained my B.A degree in English Literature from Cadi Ayyad university , an MA in literary and cultural studies from Sultan Moulay Slimane university, Beni-Mellal, and had my Ph.D. on “The Problematic of Becoming in Margaret Atwood’s Novels”. Since 2012 I have lectured at Sultan Moulay Slimane university on different literary and culture-related subjects such as the novel, postcolonial theory, cultural theory, literary theory and mythologies of the western world. I have supervised several B .A monographs on literature and culture. My current research interests include literary criticism, cultural studies, women’s writing, postcolonial studies, film studies and Theory.

About Me

PhD in literary and cultural studies , Lecturer of Enlgish language,culture and literature at Sultan Moulay Slimane university,Morocco


Employed at
Sultan Moulay Sliman University
Created on
Highest degree
PhD in literary and cultural studies
Literary criticism and cultural studies

Texts (3)

Author: PhD Hamid Masfour

eBooks 3
Institution / College Sultan Moulay Sliman University
Employed at Sultan Moulay Sliman University
Profession LECTURER
Created on 5/29/2016