Life in 1900 and 2000 - a comparison

Presentation / Essay (Pre-University), 2000

4 Pages, Grade: 8,5 of 10




Around 1900, the people had started to discover that they could rule over nature and so they began to do better and greater things than before. They built great buildings like the Eiffel Tower, great ships like the Titanic and also the railroad was developed. This all led to a great improvement in industry, and therefore, in the year 1900, the people arranged the first EXPO in Paris.

Also, the people started to do the great inventions that still dominate our lives, like the aeroplne or electricity. Many things were done for the first time, i.e. cossing the channel from France to England and, later on, flying to America. The people had real heroes whom they could celebrate.

Today, there are different attitudes: The most important thing for us today is globalisation, liberty and peace. Therefore, we have many different communities like the NATO or the EU. Their aim is to have as many countries as possible together in one big partnership to keep the world "small".

Also very important is the internet. It makes it possible to communicate with everyone at any time. Another advantage of the internet is that news are spread very fast throughout (nearly) the whole world. So if you publish something in the internet, very many people all over the world can have a look at it in a very short time and it becomes known very soon. This safes a lot of time and also money.


A) Standard of living

Before 1900 the standard of living had benn really bad. There was no electricity and very bad health care. Therefore the life expectancy was very low indeed (only at 46 years). Later on, the standard of living improved. Electricity began to dominate and health care developed. Food now could be strored longer and so the life expectancy also rose.

Because of the explosion in population, public transport systems were needed, and so, additionally to tram and bus, the first underground was built in Budapest in 1887 [???]. But not only transport improved, also education did. Children now didn´t only get educated, but many of them also got a good and well paid job.

Today, most of these questioned things are just normal standard. Education and electricity are standard nearly everywhere. Health care and medical service are perfectly organised and the life expectancy is very high.

Our live has become very easy. Nowadays, one can do nearly everythig via internet; it doesn´t matter wether it is shopping, banking, publishing or receiving information.

Working conditions have also changed very dramaticlly: There are restrictions in working time, payment and free-time. and if your boss wants to fire you, he has to tell you some wekks before, so you can look for a new job.

B) Leisure

Around 1900, the people started to found all sorts of companies to do their favourite sport in a more organised way. In 1904 the FIFA was founded and in 1912 the International Lawn Tennis Federation ILTF. These communities gave the people the chance to to compete in different leagues with fix rules or eveb to become professional sportsmen.

Also at this time, sumer holidays became very popular. The people mainly went by train to a near lake or the sea to have some nice time and to relax from the hard work. The reason for the popularity of this form of leisure was that it was new that the people actually did get holidays. but because these weren´t paid, as it is usual nowadays, only richer people could afford to go on holidays. The others stayed at home and did day trips or other things.

Today, leisure time isn´t that "valuable" as it was in 1900. Paid holidays are an absolutely normal thing and people also don´t go to a nearby place, but travel many hours or even days to other countries or even continents.

If one doesn´t have the time to go somewhere else, it is no problem: Every city has a zoo or a fun park. There are cinemas everywhere and cafés where you can spend your free time. And if even all that gets boring, there ist always a last place of refuge, and that is called TV.

C) Vote of women

Before 1900, women didn´t have many rights at all. They were treated just a little bit better than slaves. Their only "use" was to bear children and raise them.

But with the beginning of the 20th century, there were many revolts and women finally managed to be allowed to take up jobs. Later on, first univercities admitted women and as a result, more and more started studying.

Today, in western countries, women have finally gained equality in rights, although there are still some man, who don´t accept this.

In developing countries, women aren´t accepted as equal to man. They are treates badly and also don´t have equal rights.


A) Europe

In 1900, Europe was ruled by a couple of very rich families like the Habsburg family, which had everything under their control. Because of this, people were very unsatisfied with their lives. There were many demonstrations throughout the whole of Europe and finally, more and more people started to think nationalistic. As a result, the first world war was coming up.

Today, there is a totally different situation: All of Europe is democratic and all the main European countries take part in the EU. There will even be a main currency .

B) Anerica

In 1900, America was in a very advanced political situation: They were the first to have a voted president, and therefore, nearly everyone - and especially poor people - wanted to settle down in America. Unfortunately, many families could only afford to buy tickets for their children.

Today, Amerrica looses some of its image of being the country of the unlimited possibilities, mainly because of the recent crimes that have happened. Their politics are (together with the European) the worlds leading, although there are voices who say that they aren´t that good anymore, because they tend to solve problems too soon with force.

C) Africa

In 1900, Africa put itself together just of European colonies. The original inhabitants were first converted to christianity and then put into slavery. The Europeans destroyed very much of the Black´s cultures and also treated them very badly.

Today, all of the African countries have regained independence, but theys are very poor. Still most of the people are farmers and haver large families. The political situation is very difficault, for there are fights because everyone is so poor.

D) Asia

In Japan, there still was feudalism, but due to the industrialisation there were revolts. In China there was a monarchy before it become communistic.

Russia was ruled by the Tsar, but when the people revolted, it became communistic.

Today, Japan plays a very important role in computer business and has developed very rapidly.

China is a bit behind, because communism has lasted very long.

Russia has severe problems with money and also, because the governmant still thinks tha Russia has to remain seperate from the rest of the world. This could be senn very well at the disaster with the Kursk.

Excerpt out of 4 pages


Life in 1900 and 2000 - a comparison
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361 KB
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Mathias Heckl (Author), 2000, Life in 1900 and 2000 - a comparison, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


  • guest on 9/14/2015

    Lots of spelling mistakes?!?!?!??!?!?!

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