Die Wasserproblematik in Nahost

Hausarbeit, 2000

16 Seiten



Biographical Sketch



Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Appendices


Chapter 1 Introduction
Background of the Study
Objectives of the study
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitation
Definition of Terms

Chapter II Review of Literature
Theoretical Framework
Research Paradigm
Null Hypothesis

Chapter III Methodology
Research Locale
Research Design
Research Instrument
Procedure/ data Collection
Ethical consideration
Statistical Treatment
Rating Scale

Chapter IV Results and Discussions

Chapter V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations


References Cited



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Title: Parental Absence and its Impact to the Behavior and Academic Performance of Pupils in Polillo Central Elementary School

Author: Noralyn C. Suce

Adviser: Ethel Queddeng-Quesea

This study was focused on the impact of parental absence on the behavior and academic performance of pupils in Polillo Central Elementary School. It utilized descriptive and cor relational types of research. The respondents comprised of 248 pupils in PCES from different grade levels. To gather data the researcher used a checklist questionnaire consisting of four dimensions, viz., behavior in the family, in the school, in the society and one for the data of the students. The data gathered were computed through percentage, weighted mean, Mann-Whitney U and Spearman rank. Based from the result of the study, it has been found out that majority of the respondents are 10-11 years old, mostly females and are in grade 6 level. It also revealed that majority of the respondents having parental absence are living with their grandparents and the reason of parental absence is because their parents are overseas Filipino Workers or working at other places. Results show that the behavior of pupils who live without one or both parents and their academic performance are not statistically related. The teacher needs to be aware of the background of her students to figure out why they behave positively or negatively. Moreover, parents or guardians of the pupils should put more effort in developing their child’s behavior and motivate them to perform well in school by praising them over little achievements that they get.

Keywords: academic performance, behavior, guardian, motivate, parental absence

Chapter I


Parents are the most precious gift of God to humans. They know everything about us. They know what things disturb us and what kind of mental attitude we have. They train us for future challenges and help us every step of our life (Kumar, 2013). Additionally, parents are the ones who help their children to succeed in life. They are the first to teach their child to do what is right and fix what is wrong and if the parents are absent the child might behave negatively for he/she doesn’t have parents who will guide him/her as he grows.

More often than not, parents have major influence on a child’s achievement, more important in the field of education. Experts say the absence of a parent in a child’s academic makes them insecure, which affects their well-being in general. Whether a parent’s absence is short-lived or long-lived, the fact remains that it negatively affects their child’s education, (Tumwebaze, 2017).

According to American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ASPCC), (n.d.), children who grow up in households with loving, supportive parents have a much better chance at becoming healthy successful adults. But as all those who work with children know, this isn’t always the case. Many of them have to endure abuse, neglect and other types of bad parenting practices each day. These lead to serious emotional and behavioral problems that affect them throughout the rest of their lives.

Background of the Study

This study was all about the parental absence, behavior and academic performance of the pupils. It sought to determine the reasons of having parental absence and how these pupils behave differently at home, school and society. Having this study, people who are involved in the pupils’ lives will know what needs are to be improved to the child, their academic performance or their behavior. With this study we can also know whether the children need affection from their biological parents to motivate them or not.

The researcher wanted to do this study for she had been through the same situation during her elementary days. At a young age, the researcher learned to do things on her own because she knows that no one will help her. Absence of her parents caused the researcher to succeed academically and be open-minded to situations which seems difficult to other children at her age. The researcher chose Polillo Central Elementary School as the locale of her study because based on the researcher’s initial survey with the class advisers PCES has an adequate number of pupils whose parents are working in the city or overseas that made them live away from their children.

This study will not only find out the reasons of having parental absence but also to find the difference between the behavior of the respondents with both parents or without one or both parents towards their family, school and society. This research will verify the significant difference between the academic performance of the respondents with present parents and those with absent parents. It will also know the relationship between behavior and academic performance of the respondents. Hence, the researcher was deemed eager to do this study.

Objectives of the study

The purpose of this study was to determine the parental absence, behavior and academic performance of the elementary pupils of Polillo Central Elementary School. Specifically, this study sought

1. To determine the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Grade Level
1.4 Guardian
1.4.1 Both Parents
1.4.2 Grandparents
1.4.3 Mother only
1.4.4 Father only
1.4.5 Relatives
1.5 To identify the reasons of parental absence:
1.5.1 OFW
1.5.2 Deceased parents
1.5.3 Broken Family

2. To find out the behaviors of the respondents towards:
2.1 Family
2.2 School
2.3 Society

3. To know the academic performances of the respondents
4. To ascertain the significant difference between the behaviors of respondents living with both parents and those with absent parent(s).
5. To verify the significant difference between the academic performances of respondents living with both parents and those with absent parent(s).
6. To know the significant relationship between behavior and academic performance of the respondents.

Significance of the Study

This study would be a great help to the pupils, pupils’ guardians, teachers, as well as to school administrators and future researchers.

To the Pupils - this would help them understand that the absence of their parents is not a hindrance for them to have a good behavior in the family they are in, in the school they attend to and to the society they belong, thus, parental absence should be a motivation for them to strive more and succeed in their academics as well as in their future.

To the Parents - this would help them realize that living with their children has a big impact in the overall aspects of their children’s lives.

To the Pupils’ Guardians - the data may help them aware of the behaviors of the pupils outside their home and might help them to improve their children’s behaviors and academic performances.

To the Teachers - they would be able to know the root of the child’s negative behavior and how they could develop it to positive behavior that will result to positive academic achievement.

To the Principal/Head Teachers - results of the study would help them be aware on the effects of parental absence to the behaviors and academic performances of the pupils and understand why some pupils have negative behavior in the school.

To the Researcher - it will be a big help for her to have a background on the different behaviors of students caused by the absence of parents for in the future she might encounter these kinds of students and by then she will be able to understand and be considerate to them.

To the Future Researcher - this study would serve as reference and guide for their future study.

Scope and Limitation

This study was focused in determining the parental absence, behavior and academic performance of elementary pupils of Polillo Central Elementary School during the Academic year 2018-2019. The respondents were the selected pupils from different grade level of PCES. There are two sets of respondents in this study, those living with both parents having a number of 147 pupils and those with absent parent(s), consist of 101 pupils. This research utilized descriptive and correlational research design while a self-made questionnaire was used for data gathering. The final grades of the respondents were obtained to know whether the variables of this study have an impact with each other.

Definition of Terms

In order to have a better understanding of this research, important terms are operationally defined.

Absent Parent(s) - parents who are physically absent from the child’s home.

Academic performance - refers to the final grade of the respondents.

Age - refers to the number of years that the respondents live when the study was conducted.

Behavior - refers to the actions or response of the respondents to their environment.

Family members - refers to the persons living with the respondents at home.

Guardian - refers to substitute parent of the pupils.

Own Parents - refers to the child’s biological parents.

Parental absence - refers to the condition wherein the child is living with other people other than his/her biological parents.

Pupils - refer to the respondents of this research.

School - refers to the institution where the pupil is enrolled.

Society - refers to the community where the respondents belong.

Chapter II


This chapter deals with the related literature and studies of the presented problem of the researcher. The research paradigm and hypotheses are also included.

Parental Absence

An absent parent refers to non-custodial parent who is obligated to pay partial child support and who is physically absent from the child’s home. The term also refers to a parent who has abandoned his/her child and failed to maintain contact with the child (Absent Parent Law and Legal Definition).

Pupil’s Behavior

For Nerriel (2013) children from broken families in which parents are not capable of doing their responsibilities to their children are particularly to develop emotional and behavioural problems. It should not be taken for granted as if it will fix the problem on its own.

As stated by Genio (2015) absent fathers leave permanent scars. Fathers who withdraw their physical presence may actually influence the social behavior of their sons. McNeal Jr. (2014) also confirms that parental involvement influence the student’s attitudes and behaviors. In the study conducted by Azores (2015) he said that the family affects the personality of the students and he even recommended that parents should give more time to their children no matter how busy they are. Comparably to the citations written above, Motamedi et al. (in Nelson, 2013) figure out that the development of personality in children is strongly influenced by parents. The absence of one or both parents will have adverse impacts on their growth and will make them susceptible to mental illness or behavioral disorders. Living with both own-parents in a very or moderately happy relationship is associated with good behaviors (Mennemeyer and Sen, 2012). According to Watts (2012) absence of father did not attenuate children’s academic progress and behaviour. His study showed that fathers have a weak role in benefiting the children’s progress. However Baliza, as cited by Ruzol (2014), stated that children with absent mother were the ones greatly affected because there is no substitute for a mother’s tender love and care. There are no problems in household with absent fathers. A mother that is left-behind with her children can supervise the children’s cognitive, emotional and moral needs.

Erickson (2018) said that parents greatly affect their children’s behaviour. Children are like sponges - they model everything a parent does and incorporate what they see into their own lives. It is important for parents to set the right examples for their children. Negative examples can lead to child’s bad behaviour. Parents tend to underestimate the influence that they have on their children and poorly supervised them, resulting children to misbehave according to an article by Gustafson (2017).

Bad behaviour in a child stems from a variety of factors and poor parenting is one of them. Parents who through lack of knowledge and the stresses of life, struggle to implement consistent rules and consequences, may create misbehaving children (Ward, 2018).

The recent paper by Zhao et al. (2017) suggests that previous experience of prolonged separation from migrant parents had similar negative impacts on child’s well­being to the current absent of parents, after accounting other factors. Adverse experiences related to parental absence in early childhood, such as, disruption of parent­child communication and attachment relationship have long-term negative psychological impacts.

A recent longitudinal examination of parental involvement (Nokali et al., 2014) across a nationally representative of first, third and fifth graders found that while involvement did not predict increases in academic achievement, it did predict decline in behaviours. Parents are role models of their children and their attitudes and values can be passed on to the child. The way they communicate with their children will influence them to have independent behaviour (LaFortune, 2017). Alexander (2017) stated that the way the parents raise their children can affect on how successful they will be in later life. Parents should attempt to direct their children’s behaviour, if not their children will have more behavioural problems and lower grades.

Parental involvement helps students to succeed academically and behaviourally according to Cherelus (2015). Chen (2018) claimed that parents do not only enhance academic performance but they also have a positive influence on students’ attitudes and behaviours. A parent’s interest and encouragement in a child’s education can affect the child’s attitude towards school.

Parents develop qualities in children, such as, honesty and kindness as well as protect their children from developing behavioural problems. Loving and affectionate parents are the keys in raising good children. Parents should constantly affirm their love and affection so that children develop positive behaviour (Blau, 2017).

Parents serve as role models not only through direct interactions with their children, but also through the examples they set with their attitudes and behaviours within the family. If a child displays an aggressive behaviour probably he learned it from their home (Bloom, 2018). Bennett (2018) said that when a child misbehaves or fails to meet expectations at school, the child’s home and family life should be considered. Family can affect the child’s behaviour and ability to perform in the classroom. Single parents often must take on more hours at work to meet financial responsibilities, which can lead to children feeling neglected and acting out. Davis (2018) said that parents are in-charged of their child’s experiences and social interactions. The environment the child is exposed to with their parents shapes their future behaviour. Likely, Schreiner (n.d.) stated that when a child is left motherless as a result of divorce, separation or death, the child may experience problems associated with this absence. By understanding and preparing for these problems, fathers and other concerned friends and relatives can more effectively help the child cope with his mother’s absence.

Academic Performance

According to Qureshi and Ahmad (2014) absence of a father causes a severe decrease in academic performance. The study proved significantly that there is a great contribution of father’s presence in the higher achievements in academics by children. Similarly with the study mentioned above Song et al. (2018) presented that parental migration has a significant negative influence on the left behind children’s academic achievement. From another study Fu et al. (2017) found out that children at different status of parental absence performed differently on academic tests. Furthermore, children with both parents absent were more likely to be academically underachiever as compared with their peers. Zhang et al. (2014) study’s result is alike to Qureshi and Ahmad (2014) saying that there is a significant negative impact of being left behind by both parents on children’s cognitive development, but much smaller insignificant impacts of being left behind by one parent. In a recent study by Tobishima (2018), poor academic achievement of children in single father families is likely to be mainly due to the mother’s absence.

However, Ruzol (2014) found out that there is no significant relationship between the effects of parents working overseas to academic performance of students. In fact students tend to excel more in school because they are being inspired by their parents. Mahuro and Hungi (2016) stated that parental participation plays a pivotal role in motivating children to improve their academic performance. Identically to Mahuro and Hungi (2016) Losabia (2017) revealed that parents have great influence on the child’s performance and accomplishments. Chohan and Khan (2012) revealed that parents’ contribution to their children education has a consistent and positive effect on academic achievement and on the self-concept. Amazona (2012) in her study about parental involvement in the educational development of pupils revealed significant effects and improvement on the children’s development of cognitive competencies.

Kremer et al. (2016) hypothesized that behavioral problems are also associated with decreased academic performance at baseline and that negative association continues over time. Similarly the article written by Patalay (2015) suggests that the learning lag caused by problem behaviors at a younger age might lead to reduced academic performance even when the problem behaviors have subsided. The negative effects of bad behavior on learning can be hard to make up fully. Kassarnig et al. (2018) emphasize that academic performance depends to a considerable extent on personality, behavior and social environment. Meanwhile Hossain (2013) mentioned that academic achievement of student has considerable negative and significant relationship with all the attributes of problem behavior. Male and Elliott (2016) indicated that problem behaviors are negatively predictive of concurrent academic achievement. However, Wentzel (2016) in her findings indicated that pro-social and anti-social behaviors are related to grade point average and standardized test scores and academic behavior. Izzo et al. (2012) hypothesized that parents who have positive attitudes towards their child’s education, school and teacher are able to positively influence their child’s academic performance by being engaged with the teacher and school to promote a stronger and more positive student-teacher relationship.

Theoretical Framework

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Figure 1 Bronfenbrenner's Ecological System Theory

Family plays an important role in child’s development. Parents have a great influence in the child’s life for they are the closest individuals that they interact with and serve as their role models.

This study was anchored to an American psychologist Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Theory. This theory explains how the inherent qualities of a child and his environment interact to influence how he will grow and develop. Through this theory, Brofenbrenner stressed the importance of studying a child in a context of multiple environments, also known as ecological system. The environment closest to the child is the microsystem. Microsystem is the smallest and most immediate environment in which the child lives. The microsystem comprises the daily home, school, peer group or community environment of the child. This system is the most influential system in Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Theory because the child has a direct interaction with these individuals; that interaction occurs on a consistent basis over an extended period of time. Family is the most significant relationship of the microsystem, they play an intricate part in the ecological human development. The most time is spent at home with the family; they provide shelter and safety, and emotional support for the child. The way the parents play, teach and communicate with their children has a lot of influence on their development.

This theory is relevant in this study because it proves that parents play an important role in every aspect in the child’s life whether it’s on behavior or studies of a child. Therefore, having absent parent as the child grows can also affect them either positively or negatively.


Ende der Leseprobe aus 16 Seiten


Die Wasserproblematik in Nahost
ISBN (eBook)
437 KB
Wasserproblematik, Nahost
Arbeit zitieren
Johannes Stahl (Autor:in), 2000, Die Wasserproblematik in Nahost, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/97962


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