Skriptzusammenfassung Professional Business English

Zusammenfassung, 2019

13 Seiten, Note: 1,3



Comparing & Contrasting:

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- Comparing word at the beginning of a sentence = Comma

Avoiding a lot/a lot of in formal writing:

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We go there a lot à We go there often

He has a lot of friends in Texasà He has many friends in Texas

I have eaten a lot of chocolate à I have eaten a large amount of chocolate

I know life would have been a lot easier for meà I know life would have been much easier for me

Avoiding get/got in formal writing:

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1. My front door, which is red, is broken.
2. The man who left his wallet is coming back for it.
3. My mother, who is great cook, has made dinner.
4. The car which I drive is red.
5. My boss, who is always late, is late again.
6. The person who stole the cake is in the room.

Independent & dependent clauses: comma

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Excerzise: Add the comma

1. Finish your work before you go home
2. Before you go home, finish your work
3. While I was asleep, the cat knocked over the plant
4. The cat knocked over the plant while I was asleep
6. After Mike sneezed all over the hamburger, no one wanted to eat

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Comma + FANBOY : Harry wanted to eat another piece of cake, but he was on a diet.

Exersize: Add the comma

1. We were out of milk, so I went to Lidl
2. My cat doesn’t like other cats, but he plays with my dog
3. The president arrived and gave an hour long speech
4. My dog enjoys beeing bathed but hates getting his nails cut
5. I am allergic to most animals, yet I have three cats
6. I am a vegeterian, so I don’t eat meat
7. My friend likes to go mountain-climbing and to swim on the ocean

Narrative Tenses:

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Organizational structures:

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Advanced If clauses – linking offers to conditions:

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Adjectives & Adverbs:

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Irregular adverbs:

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Vocabulary Globalisation:

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Vocabulary Economics:

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Ende der Leseprobe aus 13 Seiten


Skriptzusammenfassung Professional Business English
FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management gemeinnützige GmbH, Köln
Professional Business English
ISBN (eBook)
skriptzusammenfassung, professional, business, english
Arbeit zitieren
Anonym, 2019, Skriptzusammenfassung Professional Business English, München, GRIN Verlag,


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