A Corpus-Based Stylistic Identification of Lexical Density Profile of Three Novels by Ernest Hemingway. "The Sun also Rises", "A Farewell to Arms" and "A Moveable Feast"

Wissenschaftliche Studie, 2019

122 Seiten

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With the assistance of corpus-based stylistic techniques, this study quantifies the aspect of lexical density as a stylistic marker in the context of literature represented by three English novels written by Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises (1926), A Farewell to Arms (1929) and A Moveable Feast (1964). It also exhibits lexical density profile (LDP) as a statistical measure of lexicality within literary texts. Three hypotheses are included in this study: Corpus-based techniques are quite helpful in producing empirical and quantitative stylistic descriptions of literary texts in so far as lexical density is concerned, lexical density profile is an efficient measure for lexicality within literary texts as well as the lexical development of the writer's style, and the high percentages of lexical density are due to the high lexical items leading to denser lexical profiles


A Corpus-Based Stylistic Identification of Lexical Density Profile of Three Novels by Ernest Hemingway. "The Sun also Rises", "A Farewell to Arms" and "A Moveable Feast"
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corpus-based, stylistic, identification, lexical, density, profile, three, novels, ernest, hemingway, rises, farewell, arms, moveable, feast
Arbeit zitieren
Ina'am Abdul-Kadhim (Autor:in)Prof. Khalid Shakir Hussein (Autor:in), 2019, A Corpus-Based Stylistic Identification of Lexical Density Profile of Three Novels by Ernest Hemingway. "The Sun also Rises", "A Farewell to Arms" and "A Moveable Feast", München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/923899


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Titel: A Corpus-Based Stylistic Identification of Lexical Density Profile of Three Novels by Ernest Hemingway. "The Sun also Rises", "A Farewell to Arms" and "A Moveable Feast"

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