Brand positioning of global vs local soft drinks in Georgia. An analysis

A case study of foreign perspectives on the strategies of Coca Cola and Natakhtari Lemonade

Master's Thesis, 2020

62 Pages, Grade: 4.0


Table of Contents

List of Figures and Tables

List of Pie Charts, Histograms, and Abbreviations


Chapter 1: The Concept of Brand Positioning
1.1. The Meaning of Brand
1.2. Brand Types
1.3. Signifcance/Importance of Branding
1.4. Brand Positioning Meaning
1.5. Brand Positioning Process
1.6. Types of Brand Positioning Strategies
1.7. Brand Positioning Challenges and Opportunities
1.8. Attitudes and Perceptions towards Brands

Chapter 2: Comparative Analysis of Global and Local Brands of Soft Drinks in Georgia
2.1. Global vs Local Brands
2.2. Overview of the Georgian Soft Drinks Market
2.3. Total Foreign Population in Georgia
2.4. SWOT Analysis of Coca Cola Company vs Natakhtari Lemonade Company
2.5. Comparison of the Positioning Strategies of Coca Cola and Natakhtari Lemonade in Georgia
2.6. The Buyer’s Decision Process
2.7. Factors Influencing Consumers Brand Preference of Soft Drinks

Chapter 3: Data Analysis
3.1. Data Collection and interpretation
3.2. Hypotheses Testing






In recent times, many soft drinks brands have become popular to people of different ages and races. At present Georgia has a very competitive market for soft drinks, invariably soft drinks companies that want to be successful should understand the evaluation, preference and buying behavior of customers, as well as the factors which influence the consumers in buying a specific soft drink brand.

Hence, this thesis has studied the concept of brand positioning of soft drinks brands, the significance of branding, the types of brand positioning s trategies , as well as the attitudes and perceptions consumers have towards brands. It has also explored the Georgian soft drinks market, conducted a SWOT analysis on Coca Cola Company vs. Natakhtari Lemonade, compared the positioning strategies of Coca Cola vs. Natakhtari lemonade brands, and identified the factors that influence consumers brand preference of Soft Drinks.

A survey was also conducted with the use of online-bas ed questionnaire which was distributed to 100 foreigners living in Georgia in order to identify the factors that influence foreigners’ preference to either Coca Cola or Natakhtari lemonade, ascertain if foreigners have the same evaluation and preference for Coca Cola or Natakhtari lemonade brands and also analyze the effectiveness of the brand positioning strategies of Coca Cola and Natakhtari companies for foreigners in building brand loyalty.

It was possible to evidence that foreigners in Georgia have a higher evaluation and preference for Coca Cola brand than Natakhtari Lemonade brand. Also, evidence showed that the brand positioning strategies of Coca Cola are more effective in the influence of foreigners’ perception towards the brand’s value rather than those of Natakhtari lemonade.

List of Figures

Figure 1: Objectives of Brand Positioning

Figure 2: Types of Brand Positioning Strategies

Figure 3: Coca Cola Logo

Figure 4: Coca Cola Flavors/Variety

Figure 5: Natakhtari Lemonade Logo

Figure 6: Natakhtari Lemonade Flavors/Variety

Figure 7: The Buyer Resolution Process

List of Tables

Table 1: Estimated Structure

Table 2: Importance of Brand Positioning for Consumers and Businesses

Table 3: Global Brand vs Local Brands

Table 4: Immigrants Population in Georgia

Table 5: SWOT Analysis of Coca Cola Company and Natakhtari Lemonade Company

Table 6: Gender of Respondents

Table 7: Age of Respondents

Table 8: Nationality of Respondents

Table 9: Respondents’ Purpose in Georgia

Table 10: Frequency of foreigners’ consumption of soft drinks

Table 11: The soft drinks brand foreigners drink

Table 12: The soft drinks brand foreigners prefer the most

Table 13: The soft drinks brand that comes to foreigners mind first when making purchase/consumption in Georgia

Table 14: How often foreigners purchase their preferred brand of soft drinks

Table 15: Why foreigners purchase their preferred brand of soft drinks

Table 16: How often foreigners switch preferred soft drink brand due to competitors low price.

Table 17: Foreigners rating of the taste of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

Table 18: Foreigners rating of the quality of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

Table 19: Foreigners always insist on Coca Cola brand and cannot take any other optional brand

Table 20: Positioning strategies more effective in influencing foreigners’ perception toward brand value of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

Table 21: Attributes more effective in influencing foreigners’ brand preference towards Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

List of Pie Charts

Pie Chart 1: Gender of Respondents

List of Histograms

Histogram 1: Positioning strategies more effective in influencing foreigners’ perception towards brand value of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

Histogram 2: Attributes more effective in influencing foreigners ’ brand preference towards Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

List of Abbreviations

SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

VS: Versus

PODs: Points of Difference

POPs: Points of Parity


The Soft Drinks Industry of Georgia is diverse with variety of products of both global and local brands, of which consumers comprise both immigrants and nationals. And with the recent growth ongoing, there has been an increase in the competition and radical positioning strategies among brands originating from various countries of the world, which has resulted in an ongoing competition between most global and local brands. “The internationalization of markets has greatly made an impact in the accessibility of foreign brands, thereby stimulating domestic companies to competitively market their products, in so doing, consumers are able to purchase as well as have a feel of both global and local brands. With the consistent increase of immigrants in Georgia, it has become very essential to understand whether foreigners prefer global to local brands or vice versa and the reasons that underlie such perception or preference”. ( Thereby making it of paramount importance to analyze consumers’ preference between global and local brands of soft drinks, as well as deduce the reasons that underlie such preference.

The initial assumption about consumers’ perception was that global brands generally create the feeling of quality and prestige to consumers, thereby having an influence on the possibility of purchasing a specific global brand rather than its local counterpart. Despite the well-known belief that global brands positioning strategies tend to create consumer perceptions of brand superiority in comparison to local brands, it can be as well be challenged. Hence, it is important for companies to always put local cultural values into consideration and they also need to be responsive to both local needs and industry conditions, in order to succeed in specific competitive markets (www. emeraldins ight. com).

Additionally, it has been noted that consumers have different perceptions toward global and local brands even within the same product category, and has necessitated a rising need to research on consumers’ attitudes and preferences. In lieu to this, numerous practitioners and academics in several sphere (industries) have explored the gains or satisfaction derived from creating and maintaining brand allegiance or loyalty with existing customers. To be precise, it has been discovered that brand loyal buyers or consumers tend to help in mitigating marketing and promotional costs connected with attracting new customers (Kotler, Bowen, & Makens, 1998). Furthermore, these customers would tend to always say positive things about a company to others (Boulding, Kalra, Staelin, & Zeithaml, 1993; Tepeci, 1999) and frequently pay premium prices for such products. (

Owing to the fact that markets are becoming more globalized, it is therefore vital for companies to set up brands that have fascination for global customers, notwithstanding whether the customers purchase resolutions could be international or domestic. As buyers or consumers more often than not assess the worth of homogenous products and always have the tendency to effectively differentiate them in their minds, pivot on how rival brands are assessed. In such situation, there is need of maximum care to be implored with the brand positioning of the specific brand in customers’ minds (Keller, 2003). Furthermore, Albert & Merunka (2013) indicated this means that buyers or consumers opt for products and services, as well as correlated brands, not singularly because of the functional benefits, but additionally as a result of their symbolic benefits. According to (MacCraken, 1989) it is usual that brands have immeasurable denotations or interpretations and help in establishing a s elf-concept, as well as a clear identity in the minds of buyers, which earnestly seek to make others believe that they have assumed their personal identity objectives or that they conveniently fit into specific social groups in accordance with the brand they finally decide to purchase ( http: //s cielo . br/).

The self-concept is characterized by significant elements of numerous variations which exist within the individual or customer existence fields (which could be corporate culture, the society they belong to, traditions, faith they believe in, amongst others). According to (Burns, 1986) The point of view of customers’ or consumers can be understood as the image they portray or in more simplified terms, the level of self-esteem and the manner at which they convey their personality, based on their sef-discernment, sef-conveyance of information, sef-inducement, sef-mastery and sef-appraisal of specific brands. In this manner, brands are of great essence in describing consumers’ lives and evolve a fundamental part in customer’s buying patterns or consumption, creating a bond between customers and their favorite brands, as well as evolving a great level of affinity to one or more specific brands with respect to other brands. In the view of Won-Moo Hur, Hanna, & Joon (2016) every customer that tends to have a positive disposition or perception with respect to a given brand will most certainly be inclined to developing a greater will or rather predisposition of buying it; in order words, proactively in search of the product or service that is attached to it. And it also a known fact that brand growth is usually brought about by loyal customers or clents, which on every occasion tend to serve as a marketing strategy to other potential clients or customers. According to (Alloza, 2008; Schultz & Block, 2015) such circumstance may come about as a result of the buyer’s individualized contentment or established on the fact that the product is sure to ultimately offer meaningful or higher-ranking benefits as against competitive brands in the market. (

In reference to the exposed deductions , the s ignificance of this study is to elucidate and authenticate a conceptual model with respect to brand positioning strategies, taking a good look at some determinants constructs , being: recognized quality, brand consciousness, brand make-up, brand endearment and brand allegiance, which draw attention to a comparative interpretation of the brand and its buyers; as well as factors that have an influence on foreigners' preference towards global and local brands of soft drinks ( That being noted, this study target population consists of foreign customers of the Coca Cola and Natakhtari Lemonade brands of soft drinks in Georgia. For this reason, the core of this study focuses on the Georgian soft drinks industry, in order to grasp how foreigners perceive, value and exhibit loyalty to Coca Cola and Natakhtari Lemonade brands.

In recent times, consumers have access to a wider array or line-up of soft drinks than ever before, thanks to globalization and connectivity. Majority of global consumers, are greatly exposed and have access to both international and local brands from birth, and expectations around choice and quality are well engrained, which also affects their intuitive selection of a specific brand. “In the present time due to rise in rivalry level amongst various brands, it has become imperative for every beverage (soft drink) firm to work on evolving its own brand positioning strategies in the industry in order to create a unique identity for its elf. According to Elliott & Percy (2007) there are various objectives that a good brand seeks to accomplish and that includes the ability to connect to earmark prospects emotionally, motivate the consumer, deliver the message distinctly, as well as develop user loyalty” ( In the view ofSchuiling & Kapferer (2004) Global brands refers to brands that are available in a number of countries and generally operating under the s imilar or even the same pos itioning strategy; whilst local brands are those available in one country or in a narrow geological area.

This research focuses on the essence of brand positioning strategies and foreigner's perception and loyalty towards Coca Cola and Natakhtari soft drinks brands; owing to the fact that Coca Cola Company is considered to be one of the most global soft drink. Coca Cola Bottlers Georgia began operations in July 2008 and has already become one of the largest and most advanced distribution companies in the Georgian market and offers diet coke, fanta, fuse tea, cappy, etc. In the res earch by Biswas and Sen (1999), they elucidated the fact that global players like Coke and Pepsi have beaten all strategies of local players in order to take for thems elves a large percentage of market shares in India. And also, Natakhtari (JSC Lomisi) company in Georgia which produces beer and lemonade is said to be the leader of the Georgian beer and lemonade market. Natakhtari company began operations in the Georgian market in 2005 and ever since, Natakhtari has plunged into over 20 different countries, including Azerbaijan, the United States, Spain, Israel, Turkey, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Slovakia, Tajikistan and Kirgizstan, just to name a few.

The current research on brand positioning strategies of local vs global soft drinks brands in Georgia is relatively novel and there is a significant knowledge gap surrounding foreign consumers' preference between Coca cola versus Natakhtari lemonade. It's globally known that Coca cola is referred to as leader in the global market of soft drink industry. And also currently, it is known that Natakhtari lemonade is growing in popularity, even outside of Georgia. However, this does not explain the effects of brand experience, customer satisfaction and foreigners' loyalty to a specific brand. However, there is no specific theory mentioning foreigners' preference of certain brands in the beverage market, for the most parts in situations where the most well liked brand cannot satisfy the market demand. Hence, it is interesting to conduct an inquiry into the circumstances to see whether Natakhtari lemonade can take a greater share compared to Coca cola in Georgian market. Additionally, the particular industry definition can affect the relative positions of the competing brands (

Some researches acknowledged the likelihood of domestic brands of soft drinks successfuly competing with global brands of soft drinks, such as the study of Holt, Quelch & Taylor (2004) which examined the effect of global brand’s footage on buying. Nevertheless, there is every possibility that a domestic brand might be able to compete with the global and conventional or notable brand in some markets. In an illustration cited by Kapferer (2002), a domestic whisky brand has a market share that is higher in France than global whisky brands; that despite the fact that demand for whisky was on the rise, the global whisky brands still experienced great difficulty in a bid to penetrating further into the French market. It was also noted that local brands have sufficient knowledge of local buying pattern or consumers’ disposition; thereby giving them the opportunity to develop certain features such as packaging and size of product so as to deliver the desired need and preference of each customer. The conceptual frame of reference of Zhang et al. (2005), ascertained the fact that positive assessment and response can be gotten from customers for both global and local brands, as it all depends on the circumstance at a specific time. This is clearly evident from current situation which reflects the fact that several beverage (soft drink) brands are in rivalry with each other in the domestic market level and the competition does not just exist between the similar brand levels but it also bothers on all levels of applicable brands. Just as earlier stated, global brands have numerous importance which cuts across an effective economy of scale and brand prominence, otherwise known as goodwill, but we cannot undermine the fact that there are also quite a few stumbling blocks (drawbacks), such as the unavailability or insufficiency of cultural knowledge and inability to fully comprehend consumers’ disposition and preference in a well - defined market which is likely to have an effect on their own brands in terms of sales magnitude and brand allegiance ( Therefore, firms have to focus on their positioning strategies, which is never static but subject to change from time to time, dependent on market prevalent factors; so that it would invariably influence the purchase and consumption pattern of buyers and consumers, as well as sustain brand loyalty.

The aim of this research is to:

Analyze the brand positioning strategies of global (Coca Cola) and local brands (Natakhtari Lemonade) of s oft drinks.

To make inquiries about the possibility of a domestic brand competing with global brand based on the rivalry (competitive) prowess of a local brand in its domestic market.

Determine the factors that influence the perception of foreigners towards Coca Cola versus Natakhtari lemonade positioning strategies in Georgia.

Ascertain foreigners’ preference toward Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade brands.

Based on the objectives stated above, the main research questions of this study are as follows: Is it feasible for a domestic soft drink brand (Natakhtari lemonade) to be in competition with a global brand (Coca Cola)?

How often do foreigners in Georgia purchase and consume Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade? What is the most preferred soft drink brand for foreigners in Georgia?

What are the factors that influence foreigners ’ preferences to either Coca Cola or N atakhtari lemonade?

How effective are the brand positioning strategies of Coca Cola and Natakhtari companies for foreigners to build brand loyalty?

Do foreigners similar assessment and preference for domestic versus global brands?

As a result of the research study being undertaken, the following hypotheses have been generated at the outset of the research project that will either be proven true or rejected:

H1: Foreigners in Georgia have a higher evaluation and preference for Coca Cola brand than Natakhtari Lemonade brand.

H2: Brand positioning strategies of Coca Cola are more effective in the influence of foreigners’ perception towards the brand’s value rather than those of Natakhtari lemonade.

This research work will be beneficial to both Coca Cola and Natakhtari companies, as the outcomes of this study will underpin each company in ascertaining foreigners' brand assessment and preferences to either Coca Cola brand or Natakhtari Lemonade brand in Georgia and factors that influence such choice. As it will facilitate assist the evolution of essential positioning strategies so as to keep a hold of its loyal customers. It also provides a foundation for each beverage company to juxtapose its accomplishment with that of its rivals in the industry and also be a form of evolution mechanism. (

The outcome of this res earch can enlarge the chance or probability of local brands to win in the local market as against global brands . By owning an excessive market share, a brand can effortlessly become a leader in the indus try and it can be known if products development or creation is essential, as per satisfaction level of customers. Inadvertently, exploring the manner at which various factors affect brand perception is of great essence, so as to gain a better understanding and serve as an avenue for both local and global companies to evolve brands and products into the right course or route. (

Finally, this fact-finding study will ascertain some factors that influence foreigners ’ preference for a particular brand (Natakhtari lemonade and Coca Cola) of soft drink in Georgia; deduce which of the brands is highly evaluated and most preferred; as the results from this survey will be a submission that leads to the strengthening of both domestic and global brands in the market. The following research methods were applied in this study:

This study considered data collected from both primary and secondary sources. Descriptive research method was used to collect primary data. The secondary sources included textbooks, journals, reports, previous res earches , e-books and articles . Invariably, the research approach applied in this study was the survey research method.

According to the reports from the National Statistics Office of Georgia, the total population of Georgia in 2018 was 3,729,600 of which total population of immigrants was 88,152. From the total population that moved into Georgia in 2018; 54.3% were Georgians, 11.7% from Russia, 4.5% - Turkey, 4.3% - Azerbaijan, 4.3%, - Iran, Stateless/Not Stated - 0.1% and 20.8% from other countries ( Hence, the sample size for this survey was 100; while the sample unit comprised foreigners who consume both Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade brands. N on-probability sampling method and judgment sampling procedure was used in this survey.

The research instrument for this survey was the questionnaire. And considering the ongoing global distress arising as a result of COVID -19 Pandemic, which has resulted in schools utilizing virtual learning and also brought about restricted movement in the country, an online-based research questionnaire was distributed with the use of Google Forms to 100 foreigners in Georgia. The questionnaire link was sent through social networks, such as Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram.

The questionnaire was designed to find out foreigners perspective on Coca Cola vs Natakhtari Lemonade positioning strategies. Each question contained different measures to deduce the factors that induce foreigners’ preference for Coca Cola or Natakhtari brands of soft drinks in Georgia, as well as foreigners ’ evaluation of and preference towards Coca Cola and N atakhtari Lemonade. The questions in the questionnaire and the data collected were all of equal and great importance, as it allowed for the exploring, presenting, describing and examining of the relationships and trends within these data. The questionnaire basically focused on ascertaining if the hypotheses of this study will be proven true or rejected, as well as answering the research questions and throwing more light on the research objectives.

The methods of data analyses used were the frequency distribution and differential analyses, to find out whether meaningful differences exist between sample findings (respondents’ preference and evaluation of analyzed brands) and used to test if: “Foreigners in Georgia have a higher evaluation and preference for Coca Cola brand than Natakhtari Lemonade brand.” The models of this research work and how they were analyzed based on the responses from the questionnaire are illustrated below:

Table 1: Questionnaire Analysis

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By adequately analyzing these findings, the aim of this research work was achieved. Furthermore, on the bases of the research findings conclusions were made regarding the performance and positioning of analyzed brands and recommendations were issued toward the producers of these brands about enhancing, c hang ing or strengthening their current positioning s trategies .

The forthcoming thesis comprises of abstract, introduction, three chapters, conclusions and recommendations , bibliography, and appendix.

Chapter one gives an in-depth understanding of what brand positioning entails, that is, the meaning of brand and the types of brand prevalent in recent times, as well as the importance of branding to companies and customers/buyers. It also gives illumination on the pros and cons of brand positioning, and the attitudes and perceptions customers/buyers tend to have towards specific brands.

Chapter two examines the case study of this thesis by first of all exposing features that differentiates global from local brands. Thereafter, gives an insight into the Georgian soft drinks market, and the population of foreigners in Georgia in recent years (2013 - 2018). The SWOT analysis and comparison of the positioning strategies of both Coca Cola Company and Natakhtari Company were also considered in this chapter.

Chapter three primarily reviews and interprets the data collected from the online-based questionnaire. Furthermore, testing of the two hypotheses that guide this research to prove their validity or invalidity was also carried out here.

Chapter 1: The Concept of Brand Pos itio ning

1.1. The Meaning of Brand

Overtime, economic and technological evolution has inflated the level of rivalry (competition) in several facets of consumption and also brought about an increase in the s ignificance of branding as the mode to uniquely differentiate products/brands and create distinctive value to the target buyers or consumers; hence, there are various definitions of brand ( “Brand could be referred to as a name, trade mark or any other form of emblem that distinguishes one firm from another in the market. As earlier indicated, as a result of increased competition level it has become essential for virtually all companies to evolve its unique identity in the industry, so customers would always be motivated to buying such products” ( Brand can be described as a set of attributes which provides a distinct depiction with respect to specific brand in the mental faculty of both consumers and buyers of such products. “The brand could be appraised as the most priced or worthwhile asset for any firm and has been generally acknowledged as an indispensable reason that influences customers’ choices, aside serving as a factor to verify differentiation between companies and the products or services that they offer, as well as their uniqueness” (

According to Borzooei & Asgari (2013) in more developed industries, companies need to consistently work on constructing brands that would be attractive to global purchasers, despite the fact that their buying resolutions could be international or domestic. Customers can assess the worth of homogenous products or services and carry out a productive separation between them, subject to the manner at which brands are being discerned between similar products, equivalently, knowing that which endorses the application of maximum care with the pos itio ning of a specific brand in buyers’ mental faculties (Keller, 2003). Trademarks accumulate worth and profits to businesses, it also proposes and brings about endearment with regards to consumption and purchase selection process, knowing fully well that value is adjudged by buyers/consumers or by the industry in general”. (

1.2. Brand Types

There are various types of brands, some of which are indicated below:

Consumer Brands: Coca-Cola, Natakhtari Lemonade, Ariel, Pepsi, Colgate toothpaste, Samsung, etc.

Luxury Brands: Koton, Zara, New Yorker, H&M,Dolce & Gabana, Mercedes, Gucci, Dior, LC Waikiki, Levi’s, DeFacto, Nike, etc.

Fresh Product Brands: Fruits, fresh vegetables, cheese, milk products, livestock and poultry products, etc.

Pharmaceutical Brands: Net Pharma Georgia, Apotheka, MedPharma, Pharmaguide Pharmacy, PSP, NeoPharm, Pharmadepot, GPC, EuroPharma, Aversi, etc.

Service Brands: Hotels, spars, banks, hospitals, travel agencies, restaurants, schools, fire stations/departments, etc.

Business-to-Business Brands: Alibaba, Google, Salesforce, Cisco, LinkedIn, Kickstarter, etc. Internet Brands: Amazon, Alphabet, Netflix, Facebook, PayPal, Yahoo, Expedia, etc, TV Programs as Brands: Simpsons, Fear Factor, etc.

1.3. Significance of Branding

Globally, branding tends to play an indispensable part in moving a business to greater heights and reinforces the impact of its competitive superiority. In the beverage (soft drink) industry, most companies are beginning to recognize the essence of a brand and they have therefore made it their focal point because it brings about an increase in the goodwill’s worth which becomes visible to all. Additionally, over the centuries it has been noted that branding has become an indispensible tool to get a hold of new buyers, as well as retain such customers in the market and this consequentially gives rise to the worth and profitability of the business. In the view of (Barker & Al, 2011) most a times the designation of a business is commonly communicated via its trademark and this facilitates the building up of an inherent value for all firms.

The drive of always being customer conscious, as well as completely making the desires and listings of target market the focal point is the major significance in the creation and development of a brand. Invariably, a uniquely distinct brand buttresses in bringing about a consistent increase in the level of sales and profitability. Advertisement becomes much easier and less costly for companies as a result of the existence of a well-built brand. In the view of Morsing (2006) it is essential that every beverage firm continuously uphold and enhance its brand because there are several competitors present in the market that are eagerly clamouring for a greater share of the identical target market. Despite the exposition of Morsing, (Ma, 2014) contended that aside the brand improvement and evolution, it is of great essence to depict a successful promotional campaign through which new buyers will be captivated towards the products and invariably lead to a rise in the level of company’s profitability and stability.

Building a brand is not all that there is in promoting a firm’s brand although it is a vital part which could be regarded as semi section of the struggle, as preserving a brand’s worth in the industry is just as essential as generating a brand. Knox (2004) stated for a brand to s ignificantly stand out amongst its counterpart, than managers are expected to deploy strategies and be consistent in unique approaches because this will inadvertently help companies secure more purchases of their goods. And also, a company has to comply with essential propositions as this will help it evolve the brand so as to escalate the level of purchase and gains. Brand evolvement is known to promote the development of a differentiating feature for a certain brand in as against other similar brands. Having exposed all these facts about branding, it can be said that a company would experience great level of strain in trying to survive in the industry on a long term basis f there is absence of a well-built brand and will certainly downsize the amount of sales and profitability. Romaniuk & Dawes (2005) also made an assertion that there is every possibility for beverage firms to effortlessly relish the gains gotten from a wel-built brand by meeting the desires and wants of its customers in a distinct way. One other mouth-watering benefit of a well- built brand is the ability of the firm to effortlessly and without fear or doubt fix a higher price for its products and buyers would most often prefer to buy such products as they would have no alternative.

According to Urriza & Cebollada (2012) a brand could be regarded as one of several key features in marketing that requires utmost attention because it avails buyers to easily acquire and comprehend all necessary information about a given brand that is being promoted. And for the fact that there is great rivalry (competition) in the beverage industry, as virtually all the soft drinks are one and the same in terms of their basic composition, a firm’s brand therefore makes it easily differentiated by consumers from several similar products. It is well known fact that a good name can facilitate brand remembrance, as long as buyers derive satisfaction from the product. A well differentiated brand gives buyers a solid motive to buy or consume a certain product. In the soft drink market in Georgia, companies like Natakhari strive to always develop captivating slogans, such as; “Would you like Natakhtari Lemonade?” and Coca Cola; “Open Happiness”. So this in effect helps to differentiate between two similar brands and furnishes all essential information about the brands. Over the years, most beverage companies have the development and modification of new slogans their utmost priority, with respect to taste and preference of buyers, so that such customers will not been drawn to other competitive brands in the industry. (https://esource. dbs. ie/).

1.4. Meaning of Brand Positioning

In order to be able to acknowledge and appreciate the usefulness of branding as a tool, one has to first of all, understand how branding relates to the strategic process of positioning. The brand is referred to as the “net impression” or essence of what the positioning reflects to its audience. The fact that a brand forms the basis for an emotional bond between the customer and this special meaning of the product is what makes a brand of great importance. The key is relationship. In order words, it can be said that the brand brings the positioning to life, so it becomes much easier for a person to perceive and feel more attached to an appealing brand. (

By choosing and adopting a differentiating positioning that is key, as well as relevant to the target group, a product brand or corporate brand can stand out amidst the huge offering of other brands . Formulating a well-founded positioning creates a framework that makes the right choices in terms of product offering and message appearance. According to Riezebos & Van der Grinten (2012) Positioning is linked to a brand-driven approach in marketing management. (http://docplayer. net).

Brand positioning refers to the art of science of fitting the product or service to one or more segments of the broad market, in such a way as to meaningfully set it apart from the competition. It is the effort put into making sure a specific brand is easily identified by customers, and also the presence that brand has in the market place, hence everyone in the organization should understand the brand positioning and use it as a context for making decisions. In a nutshell, brand positioning is about how we target customers to think about a brand with respect to competitors; as a strong brand pos itio ning guides marketing activities by: clarifying the brand’s essence; indicating what the brand help customers achieve; and how it is unique in doing so.

Furthermore, the three main objectives of brand positioning could be stated in the figure below:

Figure 1: Objectives of Brand Positioning.

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Source: (

1.5. Brand Positioning Process

According to Al Ries & Jack Trout (2000) Positioning is not what you do to a product; it is rather what you do to the mind of a prospect. Brand positioning is at the heart of marketing strategy of every firm. Positioning is likened to the act of designing the company’s offer and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customer’s mind; as it provides a relevant value proposition based on the perception as to why consumers should select your product or service instead of a competitor’s. Positioning process needs careful analysis of each step. So, in order to identify and establish brand positioning and values, a firm should go through the following process or tasks:

Identification of Competitors: The ability to recognize different levels of competition has important implications on brand associations. Different levels of competition exist and they are; competition in a product type level (Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke); competition in a product category level (soft drinks); competition in product class level (coffee); competition in different need level (hamburgers).

Determination of a Brand’s Attributes: Brand Attributes are the core values that define the overall nature of the company and represent the essence of the brand. They are the set of unique fundamentals and characteristics that identify the physical, character, and personality traits of the brand in the market and in the minds of the cus tomers . And this includes; rational brand attributes; perceptional brand attributes; internal brand attributes (POPs and PODs); external attributes (color, package, country of origin, etc.); negatively correlated attributes and benefits (Price vs Quality, Taste vs Calories, Convenience vs Quality, Effective vs Mild, Power vs Safety, Ubiquitous vs Exclus ive, Strong vs Refined).

Determination of Consumers’ Perceptions: Perceptions of a competitor’s and target brand can be evaluated by using qualitative research methods. A list of important attributes of target and competitive brands are given to the target respondents for evaluation (survey); as the survey results show differences in perception of attributes.

Draw a Perceptual Map: Perceptual map helps understand how customers perceive brand. It can identify unoccupied position in a market, identifies how consumer’s perceive target brand comparing with ideal position and how potential cons umers perceive competitor’s brand. Determine Position: This entails the use of information about category benefits; comparison with existing examples; trust on brand des cription; and the avoidance of negative correlated attributes or benefits.

Choose Positioning Strategy: This step requires the establishment of the right PODs (which are strong, unique associations for a brand which can be based on attributes or benefits of a product); and POPs (which are associations of the brand which may be shared with the other brands); as well as the definition of core brand associations as foundation of brand positioning.

Create Positioning Statement: Brand positioning describes how a brand can compete in a particular market. In order words, the core brand associations represent the brand meaning and reflect its “heart & soul”. Therefore, positioning statement also called brand mantra or brand promise reflects the essence of the brand.

1.6. Brand Positioning Strategies

“Brands that are promoted and sold to everyone and which also end up fascinating no one is generally classified as worst-selling products. In order for a brand to obtain its place in the market and create a clear brand image in consumers’ minds, the firm needs to create an impenetrable brand positioning strategy. In other words, a brand with a distinct positioning strategy becomes more noticeable in the market; as buyers or consumers would more likely be able to swiftly appreciate or recognize it, remember it, and purchase from it at any point in time”. ( Stated below are key brand positioning strategies as proposed by Tanya Podus (2020):

Figure 2: Types of Brand Pos itioning Strategies

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Source: (

Category-Based Positioning Strategy: If a brand is evolving an innovative product or service, a product with unique features, if it strives to establish a new market or introduce an improved solution to the consumers’ problems to the existing market, it should position itself as a leader in a specific product category. The strategy indicates that the firm is offering its target audience a new, more comfortable, high-status and advantageous way to handle their tasks by using the product. (https ://www.promodo. com/).

Consumer-Based Positioning Strategy: “This strategy is relevant to firms that sell products aimed at a specific segment of people. As a rule, such a firm can identify its potential customers using a set of parameters or a certain individual feature, as it would do with targeting type of adverts. As product adverts are usually targeted at a particular category of people and feature celebrities who become associated with the said brand in consumers’ minds. For the fact that brands speak to specific audiences, it’s essential to distinguish them among the others and let consumers know that they are unique and deserve all the best”. (

Competitor-Based Positioning Strategy: Every market has its leaders. If a company is looking to weaknesses, find out which consumer needs (such as, qualty, service, shipping terms) they fail to satisfy, and show that it has a better choice for these criteria or present itself in a new way, different from the rest of the market.

Benefit Positioning Strategy: This way, a brand shows what gains or values a potential customer will get by purchasing a product. Benefit brand pos itioning strategy is aimed at appealing to potential buyers about emotional or rational motives for purchasing products . In a highly competitive environment, businesses are s truggling to offer unique advantages. In a market situation, where most companies are offering the same benefits, only the strongest market players whose benefits stick in consumers’ minds thrive. (

Price Positioning Strategy: Due to diverse perception, as most of us perceive that if a product is expensive it will be a quality product, whereas a product that is cheap is lower in quality. The price-quality approach is one that is vital and largely used in product positioning. Just as it’s evident in many product categories , where brands deliberately attempt to offer more in terms of service, features or performance; and invariably they charge more, partly to cover higher costs and partly to let the consumers believe that the product is, certainly of higher quality compared to its rivals .

Attribute Positioning Strategy: This strategy calls for a firm to systematically put its rivals out of the scope and place focus on a unique feature, character and special properties of your product. This still seems to be the most common and effective strategy for new brands to take. It is focused on special product features, such as, product size, ingredients and store location.

Prestige Pos itioning Strategy: “This strategy implies that consumers can buy not only a product but also prestige, luxury and special treatment associated with the product and that they’re ready to pay for these. That been said, a company can either only offer luxury goods or include them in its product portfolio. Examples may include business-class seats on an airplane, organic fruits and vegetables , selected varieties of coffee, or exclus ive fabrics”. (https ://www.promodo. com/) .

1.7. Brand Pos itioning Challenges and Opportunities

Having discussed in depthly about the essence of brand positioning, brand positioning processes, as well as brand positioning strategies; it is also expedient to delve into the challenges and opportunities that bedevil the entire concept of brand positioning.

Brand Positioning Challenges Some brand positioning challenges are (Keller, Aperia, Georgson, 2012): Savvy Customers - Savvy customers know exactly what they are buying and who they are buying from. They always think before they buy and only make a purchase once satisfied they are getting an item or service for the best price and at the highest quality available. Savvy customers also try to always spend money wisely and buy from trustworthy vendors, so as to ensure they are using their buying power effectively. So, positioning such customers towards a particular brand doesn’t always come so easy.

Maturing Markets - A market is mature when it has reached a state of equilibrium; while a market is considered to be in a state of equilibrium when there is no significant growth or when there is lack of innovation; and when supply matches demand, the price decided by those market forces is called equilibrium price. The reason why it’s so hard to differentiate, innovate and gain market share is because there are very few unsatisfied needs left to exploit. This situation tends to commoditize offerings and erode margins because customers see all providers as “doing a pretty good job.” Therefore, for a firm to have its brand highly positioned in the minds of customers, it has to be on its toes on constantly redefining its market.

More Sophisticated and Increasing Competition - It is a known fact globally that the soft drinks industry has lots of similar products from different companies , that could be referred to as substitutes; and same situation is applicable in the country, Georgia. Hence, having competitive advantage is the heart of a firm’s performance in competitive markets . Competitive advantage is said to grow primarily out of the value a firm has ability to create for its buyers. It may be in the form of prices being lower than that of competitors, for equivalent benefits or the provision of unique benefits that more than offset a premium price.

Difficulty in Differentiating - Some people buy products and services to get functional and emotional tasks done. They don’t really care about what brand it is; they just want to get their tasks done or satisfy their taste with respect to soft drinks. Hence, we must begin with a humbling truth, which is the fact that many brands have no meaningful point of difference. In order words, many brands are in trouble because in branding, if you are not different, you’re dying.

Differentiation is hard work and it’s about making clear decisions and embarking on consistent actions over the long term. The sustainability of differentiation depends on two things; its continued perceived value to buyers and the lack of imitation by competitors .

Increase in Cost of Product Introduction and Promotional Expenditures - In recent times, it costs more to bring a new product to market, as it is harder to forecast a new product than a stable product. On the other hand, increasing promotional expenditures could be highly beneficial to the firm, as it increases brand awareness amongst customers but at the same time it could also be risky to make such increases with just the assumption that sales are sufficiently responsive to this increased promotion.

Brand Positioning Opportunities The importance or opportunities that brand pos itioning make available for consumers and businesses are as follows:

Table 2: Importance of Brand Positioning For Consumers and Businesses.

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1.8. Attitudes and Perceptions towards Brands

A buyer or consumer, who positively assesses a brand in comparison to other competitive brands, have every tendency to willingly erupt a strong liking or will in purchasing such a product and most often sub-consciously seeking for the product or service linked to it (Chang & Jai, 2015). Usually, brand growth is brought about by loyal buyers or clients, who by positive word-of- mouth tend to encourage other potential clients or buyers, and gradually converting them to become adept buyers who also become loyal to the brand.

According to Aaker (1997), the brand has somewhat become key element, due to the fact that companies are in a very sensitive and competitive market. Many target buyers tend to appraise positively a brand that completely combines a several values and specific practices. This occurs as a result of buyers’ purchase intention being frequently related to their disposition and way of life (Apaydin & Köksal, 2011).

In essence, brands serve as a means of choice for buyers or consumers, generally making them to create preference or affinity, thereby displaying an affective emotional attitude toward such brands .

Chapter 2: Comparative Analysis of Global and Local Brands of Soft Drinks in Georgia.

2.1. Global vs Local Brands

Stated below is the comparison between global and local brands:

Table 3: Global vs Local Brands

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2.2. Overview of the Georgian Soft Drinks Market

Over the years, Georgian soft drinks market has continued to grow. In 2016, a retail research was conducted by "Gamma" agency in 8 cities of Georgia since 2007, and it was discovered that in 2015 compared to 2014, Georgian soft drinks market grew by 10%.

In 2015, non-alcoholic beverages market looked as follows: sweet carbonated drinks occupied a 49. 5% share on the market, 25.5% - mineral water, 15.5% - fresh water, 2% - the ice tea, 5, 5% - natural juices, 2% - other. In 2014, Georgian population consumed 77.5 liters of non-alcoholic beverages per capita; in 2015 this figure rose to 85.5 liters. A growth was caused by an increase in consumption of soft drinks, "Coca-Cola" with 49% share leads on the local market followed by the Georgian soft drinks manufacturer "Natakhtari" - 17%, "PepsiCo" - 12%, "Zedazeni" - 12%, "Castel- Georgia" - 4%, others - 6%. According to the Agency, in 2016 the trend of soft drinks consumption growth continues , although there are no definitive data so far. All of this process takes place against the background of a significant decrease in volumes of the beer market in the country. This is primarily due to the increase in beer excise taxes, opposed by all manufacturers . According to them, due to the increase of excise duties the companies were forced to hike price of beer, which ultimately led to a shrinking market.

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Figure 3: Coca Cola Logo

Source: https://www. 1000logos-coca-cola-logo

According to Coca Cola Annual Report (1998) The Coca-Cola Company, founded in 1886, is the world leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. According to the company sources, it currently operates in over 200 countries worldwide and is most famous for the innovative soft drink, ‘Coca-Cola’, but can now boast in the region of 230 different brands ( Its headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia. Overtime, Coca-Cola product has found its way all over the world and has resulted in the drink becoming the world’s favorite soft drink. It is a business with a popular, affordable product, with a strong foothold in many countries, including Georgia. ( Despite the fact that Coca Cola Company runs a global business, it still emphasizes the need and importance to stay local. Independent business people, who are native to the nations in which they are located, (with some exceptions), locally own bottling and distribution operations. In Georgia, Coca-Cola opened on June 30, 1993, after the Soviet system collapsed in the country. Coca Cola is presented with different flavors, namely; Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coke Zero Sugar, Cherry Coke, Caffeine-free Diet Coke, Vanilla Coke, and Coke Zero Sugar Cherry. (https://old.

Figure 4: Coca Cola Flavors/Variety.

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Coca Cola Company Values Coca Cola’s core values include “leadership, collaboration, integrity, accountability, passion, diversity, and quality.” For a company to not only survive but also consistently stay at the top globally, it must have an internal strong culture.

Idealy, Coca Cola strives to stimulate and foster good relations within its facilities in such a way that people can share ideas, brainstorm, and generate quality out of them. By creating a corporation and some element of independence, workers and investors feel as integral components of the corporation, which pushes them to own responsibilities, become accountable and dependable for the overall growth of the company.

Figure 5: Natakhtari Lemonade Logo.

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Lomisi Joint Stock Company was established in 1991 and started the construction of a small brewery in Akhalgori, near the Ksani River. The factory was able to produce the first products in the shortest possible time. In 2005, the joint stock company built and operated Natakhtari in a brewery equipped with modern technologies as a result of attracting unprecedented investments from TBC Bank and EBRD. The proximity to the village capital and the unique features of Natakhtari water created excellent conditions for a successful enterprise. The company managed to get the name of the leader in the shortest possible time.

Natakhtari Company is referred to as the leader of the Georgian beer and lemonade market and has its mission as “We produce happiness with all our passion and responsibility”. The company offers customers 15 brands of beer and 8 flavors of lemonade. Natakhtari Lemonade has been trying to contribute to the development and popularization of Georgian lemonade since 2005. Today, it is exported to 23 countries , including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Rus s ia , Germany, etc. In the local Georgian market, Natakhtari lemonade is presented with eight flavors, namely; pear, tarragon, lemon, cream, saperavi, feijoa, barberry, orange, as well as pear flavor with dietary / diabetic composition. (

Figure 6: Natakhtari Lemonade Flavors/Variety.

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Source: https ://www. indiamart. com-natakhtari-lemo nade.

Company Natakhtari Values The company "Natakhtari" recognizes the importance of business and a responsible approach to its business, conduct, as well as partners and stakeholders relations based on the folowing core values (

Honesty - The Company operates in a mode of maximum openness and transparency, during which it uses two-way communication with the target audience based on the principle of full awarenes's.

Caring - The Company has a high level of social responsibility and any of its employees is aware of the importance of supporting the development of science and sports in Georgia. Most importantly, Natakhtari has been caring for the well-being and empowerment of disabled adults for years. At the same time, the company has a high level of environmental responsibility. Natakhtari is the owner of 3 social corporate responsibility awards (https ://www. natakhtari. com/lemo nade) :

"Corporate Responsibility Award 2018" - Natakhtari Company won the wastewater treatment plant in the category "Best Environmental Project".

"Georgia's Responsible Business Competition Meliora 2018" - "Natakhtari Foundation" won the category "Partnership of Sectors - Shared Responsibility".

"Corporate Responsibility Award 2019" - Natakhtari Foundation won in the category "Partnership for Sustainable Development".

2.3. Total Foreign Population in Georgia

Table 4: Immigrants Population in Georgia.

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2.4. SWOT Analysis of Coca Cola Company Vs Natakhari Lemonade Company

Table 5: SWOT Analysis of Coca Cola Company Vs Natakhari Lemonade Company.

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2.5. Comparison of The Positioning

Strategies of Coca-Cola and Natakhtari Lemonade in Georgia Effecting branding and positioning strategies are extremely essential in every competitive market, such as ours, since it plays as a major force for the company and allows it to retain its stronghold all over the world. The branding strategies of a company accurately define the individuality of the company, its products and services. All firms, irrespective of their sizes, consider their branding strategies to be an important part of the entire business. Through their branding strategies they establish themselves as a brand name which represents quality and standard to their customers. A brand name helps the differentiation among customers based on their unique qualties from other similar products.

Additionally, the positioning strategy of a company helps it to establish the profitability of their various products and services. In order for a company to be successful simply having a qualty product is not enough in our capitalistic world economy. The products and services must have a distinct and clear image and should be offered to the target customers at competitive prices. This is what a positioning strategy creates. Invariably, positioning strategies tends to help firms create a useful and desired image of their products for the customers, thereby creating a direct contact between them and the company.

Coca Cola Pos itioning Strategies The positioning strategy adopted by Coca-Cola Company gives it the ability to create a suitable image of themselves in the mind of its customers as the only “Real One”, neglecting the position of its competitors . They have designed their pos itioning strategy so as to draw an effective picture of their products offered for their cus tomer.

Immediately the market segment Coca Cola wants to target and compete in has been decided, it clearly develops a picture of the said targeted market segment and properly defines its products as part of the positioning strategy. Coca Cola associates its product with the customer’s values and knowledge, thereby highlighting their benefits.

Their positioning strategy also includes comparison of Coca-Cola’s products with those of their rivals , like Pepsi, so that drive their customers to believe that Coca-Cola’s products have higher quality and standard. They also emphasize on their distinct and unique characteristics with relation to their competitive brands stressing on their individuality.

Coca-Cola’s world-wide recognition comes from the fact that they have spent billions of dollars to develop and promote their trademark and brand name. Due to this today more than 95% of our global population recognizes Coca-Cola along with their special writing and their prominent red and white color ( management-in-coca-cola.php).

At the beginning, Coca-Cola used modern marketing techniques and she is even viewed as the “founding father of our present day marketing model”. The brand uses a number of modern marketing techniques which has immensely benefited the business. This includes aiming their marketing concept totally towards their customers and allowing the focus of their customers to percolate through almost every department whether human resource, production or finance. Coca Cola’s marketing techniques display its commitment towards diversity, taste preference, health, education and wellness, thus establishing itself as one of the most successful and powerful brands globally. Coca-Cola’s marketing techniques consists of an extremely efficient marketing mix strategy combining product, price, promotion and place:

Product - Coca Cola also provides several services, like movies and holidays , alongside the provision of its wide variety of soft drinks , thereby leaving consumers completely satisfied; Price - Penetration pricing is one of Coca Cola’s major pricing strategies which have allowed the company to grab a footing in their target market by winning a major part of the market share. Having established customer loyalty, Coca-Cola then slowly raised the prices of its products;

Promotion - Coca Cola has always been among the fore-runners in gimmicks and advertising styles and techniques which fall under promotion of marketing techniques . This global brand has overtime effectively used its promotional strategies in persuading customers into buying their existing products, as well as trying the new ones. A combination of public relations, advertising, personal selling and sales promotion is used by Coca Cola as a part of their marketing techniques; Place - Coca Cola have also carefully chosen the place or distribution techniques for their company. It is significantly obvious from their widespread popularity and reputation that the marketing strategies adopted by Coca-Cola company has helped it establish its brand as one of the most powerful and successful brands of the 21st century, one which is coincidentally a complex yet remains a vital part of our modern world culture.

Natakhtari Lemonade Positioning Strategies Natakhtari lemonade leading position in the market is not random and is caused by the interaction of the following factors and strategies:

Unique Water - Natakhtari water, which is a kind of blend of groundwater in its surroundings, is unique in its distinctive taste and special mineralization.

Modern Technology - The production process in the company is based on the latest and leading production and bottling lines, the renewal and improvement of which is a permanent process. Stable Quality - The products that the company produces are distinguished by high quality, the stable maintenance of which is ensured by the modern quality control system.

Qualified Staff - Any link in the company, from manufacturing to customer service, is staffed by high-level professionals whose professional development is constantly monitored.

Innovative Management - Natakhtari employee initiatives as much as possible is based on the best traditions of modern western style of management.

2.6. The Buyer's Decision Process

A decision basically includes two or more choices of alternative. Therefore, consumers, whether foreigners or nationals have to consistently make a decision on choices of product when there are many choices available, just as is obtainable in the soft drinks industry with several alternatives. There are five stages of buying decision making and they are stated below (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008):

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Source: (

Need Recognition: This is the starting point to making a purchase, an individual should have a desire or need that needs to be met. “This is otherwise known as problem identification, meaning the consumer or buyer realizes a problem or need that requires satisfaction. The demand or necessity comes from internal stimuli such as hunger and thirst or external stimuli such as promotion”. (http://kau.diva-portal. org/)

Information Search: This phase is very critical and could be time consuming because the individual would want to explore all available information about a certain brand, depending on the urgency of the purchase. This stage involves information searching for alternatives in the market. In a situation where the preferred brands are available, buyers may not search for further information from alternative sources.

Assessment of Alternatives: Assessment can otherwise be referred to as evaluation. This constitutes how consumers or buyers assess and judge information pertaining to brand choices. The evaluation of alternatives stage could be done differently but nevertheless it is basically dependent on personality and buying situation, but the existence of the most preferred brand also greatly influences the decis ion.

Purchase Decision: Two factors could be considered at this stage; the buying frame of mind (attitude) which is affected by prominent individuals or a certain charis matic person can be regarded as the first factor. Another basic element is an unfores een circumstance, such as having been told by friends , colleagues , family members or even acquaintances that the taste of Natakhtari lemonade is better than Coca Cola, or vice versa.

Post Purchase Decision: In conclusion to the customer’s decision process, the contentment derived by consumers or buyers of a product is dependent on the level of expectation and the actual value and pleasure received from the product. When a distinction exis ts between expectation and contentment received by a buyer it is referred to as “a gap”. A huge or significant gap that tends to exist between buyers or consumer’s expectation and perceived performance results in buyers or consumer’s unhappiness and discontentment ( “In spite of all that has been said, people make numerous decisions in various situations and events that occur in a day, so they are always in search of an alternate route to help them make such decisions without any form of delay. According to Butterfield (1999) purchasing the product that once satisfied them in the past rather than purchasing new brands is a form of shortcut. And in the view of Kotler & Armstrong (2008) they stated that in that way, buyers would likely be able to bypass some phases when they are buying everyday (routine) goods. The essence of a shortcut makes every brand do all it can, as well as utilize every needed strategy so as to completely realize customers’ desire as much as possible and to retain highest customers’ contentment” (http://kau.

2.7. Factors Influencing Consumers Brand Preference of Soft Drinks

Brand Persona: Brand persona could be viewed as the most effective factor that affects brand preference because it deals with the personality aspects or the external attributes of brand. Invariably, it can be said that just by looking at the external attributes of a brand, consumers tend to prefer any brand.

Brand Consistency: After differentiation, brand consistency is the second most important principle of branding; as it is the secret to brand success. Brand consistency could be defined as the delivery of brand messaging in accordance with the brand identity, values and strategy over time. While on specificity basis, consistency refers to a scenario where the target audience is being exposed to core messages, visual branding, and other brand elements repeatedly, which would in turn help to solidify brand recognition.

Brand Value: Brand value is the financial value of having customers who will pay more for a particular brand. And simply put, a company's brand value depends on its reputation. This is one factor that tends to make global brands appear to be more superior to local brands.

Brand Awareness: Brand recognition make available or rather give competitive advantages to the brand because it affects the evaluation of consumers; as it creates some level of acquaintance for low participation products such as beverages (soft drinks) which is merely remembered and accepted by the brand’s name. Inadvertently, the product that maintains the hig hes t brand awareness compared to its competitors usually gets the most sales.

Taste Preferences: “In the research by Wulf et al. (2005) it was deduced that taste is likely to influence brands that might be known or unknown by consumers. While in a similar examination conducted by Woolfolk et al. (1983) where he asked about thirty (30) people with respect to their taste preference towards Pepsi and Coca-Cola, it was deduced that taste preference was modified and influenced by the label, as the perception of products more than the actual taste itself, is influenced by the label”. (

Price: Price perception greatly affects a consumer's decision to purchase a product. Hence, price is an important factor in the purchas ing decision, especially for products that are frequently purchased, and in turn, influences the choices of which brand to patronize.

Chapter 3: Data Analysis

3.1. Data Collection and Interpretation

This consist data collated from section A, B and C of the online-bas ed questionnaire which was distributed to 100 foreigners living in Georgia. In this research, however, demographic section (A) was not directly linked to the objectives but it is essential to consider for providing recommendations to target audience. While the responses from sections B and C basically focused on answering the research questions and throwing more light on the res earch objective, as well as testing the validity of the research hypothes es . With proper analysis of the findings which have been carried out, the aim of this research work was achieved.

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Section A: Demographic Data

Question 1: Gender of Respondents

The frequency table below intends to ascertain the gender distribution of the 100 res pondents , who participated in the survey.

Table 6: Gender of Respondents

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Source: Field Survey, 2020

Pie Chart 1: Gender of Respondents

Source: Field Survey, 2020


The table and pie chart above shows the ratio of male to female res pondents , being foreigners living in Georgia, which was 0.44:0.56. It is evident that female foreigners constitute a hig her margin in the consumption of soft drinks in Georgia compared to the male counterparts , with a percentage of 56% as against male foreigners with a percentage of 44%.

Question 2: Age of Respondents

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Table 7: Age of Respondents

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


From the table above, most of the respondents, totaling 44 were found within the age group of 21­30 years, 23 respondents were from age group of less than 20 years, 22 respondents were within 31-40years, 7 respondents were found within the age group of 41-50 years and only 4 respondents were observed beyond the age of 50 years. It shows that a cumulative percentage of 89% of total respondents were adults up to the age of 40 years; while respondents from age group of 41years and above were found to be way less being 11% out of total 100 respondents.

Question 3: Nationality of Respondents

The frequency table below intends to establish the country of origin of foreigners in Georgia.

Table 8: Nationality of Respondents

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


From the above table, out of 100 respondents, 59% of the population constitutes nationals from other countries aside those stated above, this is followed by 19% whose country of origin is Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan both had 8% each, while respondents from Russia made up 6% of the population. This signifies that Georgia is an abode to a number of nationals from different countries across the world.

Question 4: Respondents’ Purpose in Georgia

The frequency table below intends to deduce the reasons why respondents are in Georgia.

Table 9: Respondents’ Purpose in Georgia

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


From the above table, it is evident that the number of foreigners who participated in the survey are in Georgia for study purpose; and being 58% of the population, it far outweighs those that here for other reasons. While 21% are here for the purpose of employment, this is followed by 10% of total respondents who are in Georgia because of their businesses, 7% for tourism/visit and lastly 4% of the respondents are here for other purposes not stated above. This signifies that foreigners living in Georgia are here for a number of reasons but those who are here primarily for studies exceed the others.

Section B: Foreigners Evaluation and Preference for Coca Cola vs. N atakhtari lemonade Brands of Soft Drinks in Georgia.

Question 1: How often do foreigners consume soft drinks?

The table below intends to ascertain the frequency level at which foreigners living in Georgia consume soft drinks.

Table 10: Frequency of foreigners ’ cons umption of soft drinks

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


The table above indicates that out of the 100 respondents; 47% occasionally drink soft drinks, 24% drink frequently, 15% drink once in a while, 13% consistently drink, while 1% does not consume soft drinks. This equally means that 99% of the respondents, being foreigners living in Georgia consume soft drinks at one point or the other, except for just 1% that do not. It emphasizes the fact that there is an active market for soft drinks in Georgia due to its demand, as majority of the respondents take soft drinks.

Question 2: Which of the soft drinks brand do foreigners drink?

The frequency table below intends to find out the specific soft drinks brand foreigners living in Georgia drink.

Table 11: The soft drinks brand foreigners drink

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


Out of the 100 respondents, 45% respondents drink Coca Cola soft drinks brand, 6% drink Natakhtari lemonade, 40% respondents consume both Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade, 5% are indifferent, while 4% drink other soft drink brands. In order words, the respondents who drink just Coca Cola soft drinks have the highest percentage - 45%, and it is followed by those who drink both Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks - 40%.

Question 3: What brand of soft drinks in Georgia, do foreigners prefer the most?

The frequency table below intends to show the soft drinks brand respondents prefer the most.

Table 12: The soft drinks brand foreigners prefer the most

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


Majority of the 100 respondents surveyed prefer Coca Cola brand the most, as it has the highest percentage of 77%, Natakhtari lemonade brand had 11%. The respondents who have same level of preference for Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade and those who are indecisive both had 3% each of the total respondents, while 6% indicated that they had no preference for any of the stated soft drink brand, which means they prefer other brands of soft drinks, outside of the brands studied in the research.

Question 4: When talking about soft drinks consumption and purchase in Georgia, what brand comes to foreigners mind first?

The frequency table below intends to ascertain the soft drinks brand that comes to foreigners mind first when making purchase/consumption.

Table 13: The soft drinks brand that comes to foreigners mind first when making purchase/consumption in Georgia

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


In the table above, frequency based on responses from the survey participants have shown that a huge percentage of the respondents (86%) indicated that Coca Cola brand comes to their mind first when making purchase and consuming soft drinks in Georgia. This therefore leaves a seemingly insignificant balance of 14% of total respondents; of which 3% stated that Natakhtari lemonade brand comes to their mind first, 6% are undecided, while 5% indicated that none of the case study brands comes to mind first, invariably they are taken to other brands of soft drinks.

Question 5: How often do foreigners purchase their preferred brand of soft drinks?

The frequency table below intends to deduce how often foreigners living in Georgia purchase their preferred brand of soft drinks.

Table 14: How often foreigners purchase their preferred brand of soft drinks

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


Table 14 demonstrates the distribution of responses based on frequencies of purchase of respondents’ preferred soft drinks brand. 14% stated that they always buy their preferred soft drinks brand, 21% make purchase frequently, 50% buy their preferred soft drinks occasionally, while 15% make purchase once in a while. The reason for identifying frequencies of the purchase is that it is a common belief that customers who buy more are likely to become loyal customers of a brand. In this regard, it is important to assert that the reason for the varied frequencies may be as a result of intense competition in the soft drinks industry of Georgia.

Question 6: Why do foreigners purchase their preferred brand of soft drinks?

The frequency table below intends to identify some reasons for the purchase of preferred soft drinks brand by foreigners living in Georgia.

Table 15: Why foreigners purchase their preferred brand of soft drinks

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


Going by the order of highest frequency to the lowest, the survey result indicates that the most significant reason why foreigners living in Georgia buy their preferred soft drinks brand is because of the taste, the second reason is because it is a global brand, the third reason is the affordability, the forth reason is because it is healthy, while the least of the reasons is because it is a local brand.

Question 7: How often do foreigners switch off preferred soft drink brand because of the competitors low price?

The frequency table below intends to show how often foreigners living in Georgia switch off their preferred soft drink brand because of competitor’s low price.

Table 16: How often foreigners switch preferred soft drink brand due to competitors low price

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


From the table above, a greater percentage - 40% of the respondents stated they occas ionally switch from their preferred brand when a competing brand has a lower price, 29% seldom switch off brands, 16% never switch off brands due to competitors lower price. On the other hand, 8% always switch off, while 7% frequently switch off brands. Hence, 84% of the total respondents indicated that at some point or the other they likely switch off their preferred soft drinks brand because of competitor’s low price; this can be linked to the high level of competition in the soft drinks industry and the state of global economy.

Question 8: How do foreigners rate the taste of Coca Cola drinks vs Natakhtari lemonade? The frequency table below intends to show the rating of the taste of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade by foreigners living in Georgia.

Table 17: Foreigners rating of the taste of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


The table above indicates that a sizeable majority of the respondents stated that the taste of Coca Cola is quite better than that of Natakhtari lemonade. As 6% indicated that Coca Cola’s taste is excellent in comparison to Natakhtari, 27% stated it is very good, 59% went for good while just 8% rated the taste of Coca Cola as against Natakhtari lemonade to be fair.

Question 9: How do foreigners rate the quality of Coca Cola drinks vs Natakhtari lemonade?

The frequency table below

Table 18: Foreigners rating of the quality of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


It is inferred from the table above that 8% of the total 100 respondents sated that the quality of

Coca Cola is excellent in comparison to Natakhtari lemonade, 27% rated it as being very good, 52% likened it to be good, while 13% stated the quality of Coca Cola as against Natakhtari lemonade is fair. This proves that more than 50% of the survey population, precisely 87% of the total respondents agreed that the quality of Coca Cola to an extent is better than Natakhtari lemonade.

Question 10: Do foreigners always insist on Coca Cola soft drink brand and cannot take any other optional brand?

The frequency table below intends to ascertain the brand loyalty of respondents to Coca Cola brand, if they always insist on Coca Cola soft drinks and cannot take optional brand.

Table 19: Foreigners always insist on Coca Cola brand and cannot take any other optional brand.

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


Table 19 demonstrates the extent of respondents’ loyalty identified on the basis of their frequency of consumption of Coca cola drinks. It shows that only 16% had no atom of loyalty, while the other 84% at one time or the other show some level of loyalty to Coca Cola soft drinks.

Section C: Foreigners Perception towards Coca Cola vs. Natakhtari Lemonade Positioning Strategies .

Questions 11 - 15: Tick the soft drink brand, whose positioning strategies are more effective in influencing foreigners ’ perception of the brand’s value.

The table below intends to identify the brand whose positioning strategies are more effective in influencing respondents’ perception towards Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade brand value.

Table 20: Pos itioning strategies more effective in influencing foreigners ’ perception towards brand value of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

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Source: Field Survey, 2020

Histogram 1: Positioning strategies more effective in influencing foreigners’ perception towards brand value of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

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Source: Field Survey, 2020


The above table and histogram depicts the application of descriptive of statistics test on various statements asked in the survey to a total of 100 research participants. With respect to adding value to the product - 73% of total respondents went for Coca Cola, while 27% went for Natakhtari lemonade. For brand awareness (promotion and advertisement) - 95% went for Coca Cola, while just 5% went for Natakhtari lemonade. Regarding offering competitive prices - 65% went for Coca Cola, while 35% went for Natakhtari lemonade. For effective supply chain (availability of product) - 88% went for Coca Cola, while 12% went for Natakhtari lemonade. Lastly, regarding social responsibility campaign - 82% went for Coca Cola, while 18% went for Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks brand.

From the distribution of percentages between Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade it explicitly shows that a greater percentage of the respondents found the positioning strategies of Coca Cola relating to product, promotion, price, place and process are more effective than those of Natakhtari lemonade brand in influencing their perception towards brand value. Thus, it can be said that Coca cola has successfuly engaged its foreign customers with its brand positioning strategies but Natakhtari Lemonade Company still has room for improvement, to step up on s trategizing in order to reap higher benefits of an improved perception among its foreign customers ad its Georgian market in general. The results of this survey are also supported by the secondary research which states that product, promotion, price and place, otherwise known as the marketing mix (4Ps) forms an integral part for any company that wish to develop positioning strategies which would effectively dfferentiate, as well as sustain a successful brand.

Questions 16 - 20: Tick the soft drink brand, whose attributes/strategies are more effective in influencing brand preference towards Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade.

The table below intends to identify the soft drinks brand whose attributes are more effective in influencing respondents’ brand preference towards Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade in Georgia. Table 21: Attributes more effective in influencing foreigners’ brand preference towards Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks

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Source: Field Survey, 2020

Histogram 2: Attributes more effective in influencing foreigners’ brand preference towards Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks


Table 21 and histogram 2 above demonstrates that with respect to attributes like attractive package, variety of flavors , functional quality and good reputation, respondents have proven that Coca Cola overrides Natakhtari lemonade. In terms of attractive package, Coca Cola - 67%, while Natakhtari lemonade - 33%. Good functional quality, Coca Cola - 75%, while Natakhtari lemonade - 25%. Good company reputation - 93%, while Natakhtari lemonade - 7%. At the same time, it is evident that Natakhtari lemonade shares a seemingly close ranking with Coca Cola relating to the variety of flavors , as 55% of total respondents indicated that Coca Cola variety of flavors influence their brand preference, while 45% stood for Natakhtari lemonade. This proves that a local brand (Natakhtari lemonade) is doing pretty well competing with a global brand (Coca Cola) in producing variety of flavors ; hence there is still possibility for a local brand of soft drinks to override a global brand in the near future.

And lastly, it has been ascertained that 86% of the 100 respondents stated that Coca Cola brand successfully differentiates itself from other soft drink brands, leaving Natakhtari with just 14%. This further proves that Coca Cola being a global brand still has a strong hold in Georgian soft drinks market; and also clearly identifies the fact that attractive package, variety of flavors , good company reputation, functional quality and taste are attributes that influence foreigners ’ brand preference.

3.2. Hypotheses Testing

H1: Foreigners in Georgia have a higher evaluation and preference for Coca Cola brand than Natakhtari Lemonade brand.

The first observation noted from findings of the research survey was the fact that 45% respondents consume only Coca Cola soft drinks, while 40% respondents consume both Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade; this invariably means that cumulatively 85% of the 100 respondents drink Coca Cola soft drinks, while just 40% drink Natakhtari lemonade. It was also deduced from the survey that 77% of the 100 respondents prefer Coca Cola soft drinks brand the most; which represents more than % of the population. Furthermore, a huge percentage of the survey participants (86%) indicated that Coca Cola brand comes to their mind first when making purchase and consuming soft drinks in Georgia.

Additionally, in the evaluation of Coca Cola vs Natakhtari lemonade soft drinks with respect to specific attributes such as taste and quality by respondents; a significant percentage of the respondents stated that the taste of Coca Cola is quite better than that of Natakhtari lemonade. As 6% indicated that Coca Cola’s taste is excellent in comparison to Natakhtari, 27% stated it is very good, 59% went for good. Also, more than 50% of the survey population, precisely 87% of the total respondents (consisting of those that stated it to be excellent, very good and good), indicated that the quality of Coca Cola to an extent is better than Natakhtari lemonade.

From the above analysis, it simply means that of a truth, foreigners living in Georgia have a higher evaluation and preference for Coca Cola brand than N atakhtari Lemonade brand.

H2: Brand positioning strategies of Coca Cola are more effective in the influence of foreigners’ perception towards the brand’s value rather than those of Natakhtari lemonade.

From the survey findings, it was established that the percentages distribution of total respondents between Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade clearly shows that a greater percentage of the respondents (the least ratio being 65:35 - 13:7) stated that the positioning strategies of Coca Cola relating to product, promotion, price, place and process are more effective than those of Natakhtari lemonade brand in influencing their perception towards brand value. Thus, it can be said that Coca Cola Company has successfuly engaged its foreign customers with its brand positioning strategies much more than its counterpart, Natakhtari Lemonade Company.

And it was also evident from the research findings that Natakhtari lemonade shares a seemingly close ranking with Coca Cola relating to the variety of flavors influencing their brand preference, in the ratio 55:45 (11:9). Furthermore, regarding the other attributes; attractive package, functional quality and good reputation, a significant percentage of respondents (the least being 67%) have proven that Coca Cola overrides Natakhtari lemonade in influencing their brand preference.

From the investigation carried out thus far, the second research hypothesis being, brand positioning strategies of Coca Cola are more effective in the influence of foreigners’ perception towards the brand’s value rather than those of Natakhtari lemonade has been proven true.

Conclus ion Trends are gradually changing with the increasing level of competition from local brands of soft drinks like Natakhtari lemonade, as many of them are operating in both national and regional levels and are quietly stealing the thunder from the global brands giants like Coca Cola, by selling quality soft drinks of various flavors at affordable prices just like the global brands, especially in the small cities and rural areas. Nevertheless, Coca Cola brand has been able to attract favorable perception from a significant percentage of foreign consumers in Georgia, by consistently developing and implementing key pos itioning s trategies that borders on adding value to the product, brand awareness, offering competitive prices, effective supply chain and also not neglecting campaign on social responsibility. In addition, attributes such as great taste, variety of flavors and functional quality have been found to play sensitive roles in influencing foreign consumers brand preference and higher evaluation of Coca Cola brand as against Natakhtari lemonade brand.

Furthermore, global brands like Coca Cola spend a lot on advertising unlike local players who do not budget as much on advertisement and brand ambassador in order to attract consumers towards their brands but rather anchor on affordable prices, variety of flavors and taste to attract consumers. It was also discovered that some foreign consumers of soft drinks in Georgia prefer Coca Cola because it is a global brand (company reputation). This segment of consumers are likely to be difficult to switch preference to a local brand, but even at that, with the right strategies put in place by Natakhtari lemonade brand, this ideology can be changed. With this it can be concluded that Coca Cola soft drinks brand has owned the heart of a greater share of foreign consumers in Georgian market. And notwithstanding the success so far, there are still more potentials for this global brand in the Georgia market and if not well harnessed, the fast rising local brand (Natakhtari lemonade) could also take over the Georgian market.

And lastly, from the survey and analysis conducted, both hypothesis one and two have been proven true or rather accepted. And as such, this exploration from another perspective can be used as a backdrop for further research.


On the basis of conclusion, some practical recommendations and proposed ways to stimulate an effective positioning of soft drinks brands have been suggested, through which it would be possible for Coca Cola to retain its position in Georgian market and on the other hand, help Natakhtari lemonade in increasing its brand presence in the market (particularly, foreign consumers). These recommendations if considered by both global and local brands of soft drinks will facilitate the development of appropriate strategies that would further endear foreigners to their brands, and inadvertently increase their brand value, profitability and reputation. They are stated thus:

Firstly, the strategic brand adopted by Natakhtari Lemonade Company is not so effective in influencing foreign consumers in Georgia; as this has resulted in a lesser evaluation of its brand pos itioning strategies effectiveness as compared with Coca Cola. And owing to the fact that Georgia is an attractive location for touris ts , s tudents , business owners and the likes; it is therefore required and vital to focus on this process by factoring in foreigners in their strategies, so that the company can easily meet with the expectations of all customers, both foreigners and locals alike. As this will also improve the company’s reputation and brand value.

The taste and quality of soft drinks are considered to be main factors that influence preference and purchase. This substantiates the fact that consumers prefer good taste and high quality soft drinks. So, the quality and taste of both global and local soft drinks in Georgia should be consistently improved and maintained, so both foreign and local customers’ needs are satisfied, alongs ide offering best quality products which is the pathway to brand loyalty.

Advertisement of soft drinks in Georgia should be more effective and educative. As it is already known that the promotional efforts of global brands (like Coca Cola) exceed those of local soft drinks companies (like Natakhtari lemonade), hence Natakhtari Lemonade Company should give more prominence to brand awareness, so that they can acquire more market shares, including foreigners and Georgians. This can be done by developing more advertising strategies/increasing advertising awareness through conveying advertisements in television, radio, social networks, newspaper, billboards , etc.

As it has been noted from the survey, that a significant percentage of the respondents at one point or the other switch from their preferred brand of soft drinks when a competing substitute brand is available at lower price. So, it is important that both global and local brands of soft drinks in Georgia should be concerned about offering their products at affordable/lower prices, so as not to lose their customers to competitors. In order words, the price of soft drinks should be minimized so that more people (foreigners and nationals alike) can purchase and consume more frequently. Customer engagement/relations should be improved by both Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade, most importantly the local brands in Georgia; as two-way communications is required so that business enterpris e can know about taste and preference of its target market in a more effective manner. Through source such as social media, it is possible to interact with customers and information can be acquired in relation with trend, attitude, purchase behavior, etc. Invariably, this can lead to rise in brand loyalty and the company can enjoy the associated benefits like a rise in profitability and market share.

Furthermore, evidence show that only a small section of the survey participants stated that the reason for purchase of their preferred brand is because it is healthy. This goes a long to prove a known fact that most soft drinks aren’t so healthy, it is therefore important that these soft drinks companies prioritize producing soft drinks with high nutritional content, as this also has impact on the brand value and help to effectively different its soft drinks brand from other competing brands.

So, the above submissions are some of the recommendations that Coca Cola and Natakhtari lemonade companies in Georgia can adopt in order to better serve its diversified market in a more effective manner and through this they would be able to easily grab opportunities present in the business environment by receiving proper support from both local foreign customers.


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Title of Research Paper: “Analyzing Brand Positioning of Global Vs. Local Soft Drinks in Georgia: A Case Study of Foreign Perspective on Coca Cola vs. Natakhtari Lemonade Positioning Strategies”.

Dear Respondent, My name is Gift Ofure Iremhinmhen, a Nigerian and a Master of Business Administration student at the University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia. As part of the requirement for the completion of an MBA program, I am conducting a small piece of research to analyze brand positioning of global vs. local soft drinks in Georgia; as this will inadvertently help to ascertain foreigners’ perspective on Coca Cola vs. Natakhtari Georgian lemonade positioning strategies in Georgia.

I would like to invite you to take part in this research survey, as taking part will involve completing the attached questionnaire, which will take no more than 10minutes of your time. The answers you provide will be kept confidential; only aggregate data will be presented in the written report and therefore, your anonymity is guaranteed, individual questionnaires will be kept only until the research work has been moderated and seen by an external examiner and will then be destroyed. Your time and input to this research is greatly appreciated.

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Section C: Foreigners Perception towards Coca Cola vs. Natakhtari Lemonade Positioning Strategies .

Tick the soft drink brand, whose positioning strategies (indicated from numbers 11 to 15) are more effective in influencing your perception of the brand’s value.

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Tick the soft drink brand, whose attributes/strategies (indicated from numbers 16 - 20) are more effective in influencing your brand preference.

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Excerpt out of 62 pages


Brand positioning of global vs local soft drinks in Georgia. An analysis
A case study of foreign perspectives on the strategies of Coca Cola and Natakhtari Lemonade
The University of Georgia
Business Administration
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ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
brand, georgia, coca, cola, natakhtari, lemonade
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Gift Iremhinmhen (Author), 2020, Brand positioning of global vs local soft drinks in Georgia. An analysis, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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