Post-Modernism and the Popular Music of the 90s. Pastiche, Parody and False Nostalgia, Mirroring the Ghosts of the Past

Essay, 2019

5 Pages, Grade: N/A. professional essay

Abstract or Introduction

There is much in the culture that seems mystifying especially if we look at what had happened in the sphere of popular music in the 1990s with regard to music, fashions and hairstyles. In fact, the period saw the strong and more tangible introduction of the post-modern age and thinking into popular culture, which saw mainstream and alternative music styles become somewhat joined together in the minds of many. The 1990s began an age when everyone said that everything should be accepted resulting in a pick n’ mix culture appearing, which had seemed to come out of nowhere in a sense, yet was all around us. Based on my lectures for a Media and Journalism course I held at the University of Rome, this essay attempts to identify some of the characteristics of the 1990s in popular music in relation to Anglo Saxon countries/cultures and tries to offer an explanation of why they may have appeared and existed.


Post-Modernism and the Popular Music of the 90s. Pastiche, Parody and False Nostalgia, Mirroring the Ghosts of the Past
University of Rome "La Sapienza"  (CORIS)
Journalism, Media and English
N/A. professional essay
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
This is a professional essay based on lectures I held at The University of Rome, la Sapienza as Professor of Media and Journalism
culture, 1990s, Oasis, pop music, Britiain
Quote paper
Professor PhD, Celta, BA Hons. Cyrus Manasseh (Author), 2019, Post-Modernism and the Popular Music of the 90s. Pastiche, Parody and False Nostalgia, Mirroring the Ghosts of the Past, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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Title: Post-Modernism and the Popular Music of the 90s. Pastiche, Parody and False Nostalgia, Mirroring the Ghosts of the Past

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