Do Microcredits offer a practicable solution for sustainable growth in the economies of developing countries?

Essay, 2005

18 Pages, Grade: A





1. Characterisation of the Problem
1.1. Do not measure a country by its income alone
1.2. Growth vs. Development

2. Governmental Options to form a Generative Economical Environment
2.1. Monetary Policy
2.2. Role of Central Banks
2.3. Exchange Rates

3. Microcredits
3.1. Origin and Development
3.2. Function
3.3. Micro Financial Establishments
3.4. Downsides of Microcredits

4. Summary

5. Bibliography

6. Appendices


Table 1: Less Developed Countries (LDC)

Table 2: Causes of dollarization

Table 3: The main aims of Microcredits


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1. Characterisation of the Problem

The aim of this essay is to present the purpose and exigency of financial aid for developing countries and new approaches by which financial aid can lead to sustainable growth.

More than three-fourth of the world’s people live in developing countries, but they enjoy only 17,3 % of the world’s income – while the richest 20% have 82,7 % of global income. (IMF 2001)

Table 1: Less Developed Countries (LDC)

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The definition of Less Developed Countries (LDC) is not very precise. The common approach to define a country as LCD is in regarding the economy. A big part of the economic issues are a result of low creation of value (productivity). Due to major parts of inhabitants of LDC being employed in the primary sector, in which economically very little value can be created. The exports are basically generated by the primary sector (i.e. agricultural goods or natural resources). The strong commercial adjustment to industrialised countries has, among of others, its routs in colonialism. Most aid is regulated by the United Nations (UN) which is a world council of different nations. The UN also differs between LCD and LLCD (Least Developed Countries) which are a group of countries within the United Nations Organisation (UNO) which are ever poorer than LCD.

Due to relatively unsuccessful efforts to reduce poverty in the past a new idea came up. Unfortunately there is no measurement like return on investment at aid. This essay will show were the problems are and what is done to solve them more sustainable than in the past. One new approach is the usage of Microcredits which I will give details about after explaining the initial position of the problem.

1.1. Do not measure a country by its income alone

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which by far the greater part of the numbers are poor and miserable. (Smith 1776)

The idea that income and wealth are not the final stage of being a happy and fulfilled person can be found from Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to Aristotle.

Amartya Sen, the 1998 Nobel laureate in economics, argues that the “capability to function” is what really matters for status as a poor or not poor person. As Sen put it, “Economic growth can not be sensibly treated as an end itself. Development has to be more concerned with enhancing the lives we lead and freedoms we enjoy” (Todaro 2002).

Sen argues that what really counts is what a person is, can do and does. E.g. a book has very little value to an illiterate person.


Excerpt out of 18 pages


Do Microcredits offer a practicable solution for sustainable growth in the economies of developing countries?
Anglia Ruskin University
International Economic Issues
Catalog Number
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515 KB
The aim of this essay is to present the purpose and exigency of financial aid for developing countries and new approaches by which financial aid can lead to sustainable growth.
Microcredits, International, Economic, Issues
Quote paper
Honours Bachelor of Arts Business Management Jonas Schirm (Author), 2005, Do Microcredits offer a practicable solution for sustainable growth in the economies of developing countries?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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