Mississippi Learning. Life and Literature of William Faulkner

Essay, 2019

6 Pages, Grade: 1

Abstract or Introduction

This essay outlines US-American novelist William Faulkner's life and literature. On 10 December 1950, he received the Nobel Prize for Literature in the Stockholm Concert Hall. Disagreement in the committee of the Swedish Academy had led to a postponement of the Nobel Prize for Literature 1949. It was only one year later, simultaneously with the bestowal of the Nobel Prize for Literature 1950 to Bertrand Russell, that the famous writer was recognized with the most prestigious award available in the world of literature. King Gustaf Adolf of Sweden presented the prize to Faulkner for his powerful and artistically unique contributions to modern American fiction. At that time, the 52-year-old author had already composed a couple of sophisticated novels and dozens of elaborate short stories about the vicissitudes of life as experienced by the people—young and old, rich and poor, white and black—in Mississippi.


Mississippi Learning. Life and Literature of William Faulkner
University of Vienna
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
William Faulkner, Mississippi, Nobel Prize for Literature, Yoknapatawpha County, Modernism, Snopes Trilogy, As I Lay Dying, The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, Absalom Absalom!, Mosquitoes, Soldier's Pay, Metro-Golwyn-Mayer, Sartoris, Flags in the Dust, Rowan Oak, Oxford, A Fable, Intruder in the Dust, Requiem for a Nun, Lida Estelle Oldham, William Spratling, Sherwood Anderson, Phil Stone, University of Mississippi, Bertrand Russell, The Marble Faun, Jefferson, New Albany
Quote paper
Bernhard Wenzl (Author), 2019, Mississippi Learning. Life and Literature of William Faulkner, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/506208


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