How is the current Refugee Flow affecting the Migration Policies in the European Union

Ensayo, 2016

11 Páginas, Calificación: 5.50

Resumen o Introducción

The question posed in this paper is the following - how the current refugee flow affects the migration policies in the European Union. However, what is important to be mentioned here is the fact that within the EU there is considerable freedom of travel, in most cases--without border checks. Moreover, for the security of the external borders, the individual countries receive support from the European Agency Frontex, as well as from a number of electronic databases relating to visa facilitation, input/output control and applicants for asylum.
In special cases, however, individual European countries have the right and are obliged to take special measures for the protection of external borders – for example through the construction of fences or other facilities. These have already been raised, for example in Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, and in recent days Hungary and began to build a "wall", as well.
Member States have the right to close its borders to the other European States only in extreme situations and temporary. The decision for such a measure, however, is taken at European level. At present, the Union needs to clarify the migration policies that it is going to follow in regard to the current migration flows.


How is the current Refugee Flow affecting the Migration Policies in the European Union
New Bulgarian University
No. de catálogo
ISBN (Ebook)
ISBN (Libro)
Tamaño de fichero
527 KB
Palabras clave
refugee flow, migration policy, EU impact
Citar trabajo
Silvia Stamenova (Autor), 2016, How is the current Refugee Flow affecting the Migration Policies in the European Union, Múnich, GRIN Verlag,


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