Discrimination on Elders in America

Essay, 2018

7 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

Have you heard of the fountain of youth? Surely, some of you might have. Unfortunately, it is no more than a wishful thinking myth. To every person in this whole world, aging is an inevitable natural phenomenon that humans have to embrace. As a matter of fact, the advancement of medical treatment and technology has undeniably extended the life expectancy of humans, albeit being able to live a little longer, would they be able to lead easy lives that they deserve? It is tragic to break this out to you, no, they would not. As people ripen into their middle years, in many parts of the world, they will mostly fall victim to ageism-the discrimination and prejudice toward people based on their age, which unquestionably impacts their quality of life, their job prospects, relations with others, and their families. As researchers have discovered that in the United States, elderly discrimination has never been a scarce issue, which can be classified into distinctive criteria, such as the injustice in workplace, in society, and in households, shamelessly.


Discrimination on Elders in America
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File size
478 KB
Discrimination, ageism, old people, issue, America, problem
Quote paper
Auriane Sauv (Author), 2018, Discrimination on Elders in America, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/418721


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