Maintaining The Balance. Public Safety vs. Social Justice and Environmental Protection vs. Economic Expansion

Trabajo Universitario, 2015

9 Páginas, Calificación: A

Resumen o Introducción

From the beginning of the colonization of American to the urban unit of today, citizens of the United States how struggled with the concept of how best to organize the country in such a way so as to minimize costs while also expanding the economy and allowing growth. Attempts to achieve a balance between public safety and social justice as well as between environmental preservation and economic development have always fallen short in the past but there is hope that by the year 2050, the United States can be made over into an image of social and environmental justice that nurtures the quality of life in this country while balancing spending and the economy. Restorative justice and community justice are recently proposed methods for the reform of the justice system, utilizing community engagement to create change and deter crime. To further improve upon the urban unit is the idea of sustainability, which seeks to promote environmental justice with more efficient building standards and the facilitation of community life. With the combination of these two ideas, there is a hope that the United States can revitalize the norm of the urban unit, making it not only cost-effective, but able to serve the people in a better way.


Maintaining The Balance. Public Safety vs. Social Justice and Environmental Protection vs. Economic Expansion
No. de catálogo
ISBN (Ebook)
ISBN (Libro)
Tamaño de fichero
467 KB
Palabras clave
maintaining, balance, public, safety, social, justice, environmental, protection, economic, expansion
Citar trabajo
Abbe Marten (Autor), 2015, Maintaining The Balance. Public Safety vs. Social Justice and Environmental Protection vs. Economic Expansion, Múnich, GRIN Verlag,


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