Facebook & Societal Marketing. A Strategic Assessment of Social Media Influence on Eco-Friendly Products Promotion

Projektarbeit, 2017

9 Seiten, Note: A



Marketing panorama is predominantly changing due to shift in consumer conveniences and preferences. Globalization effect can be clearly viewed on marketing of goods and services. In the recent times use of social media for promoting products has been considered as an unavoidable incidence. More over all the companies are exhibiting their concern towards communal welfare and performing with respect to producing eco-friendly products. Facebook is one of the most powerful social media application which deliberately assisting in products promotion. This paper discusses several issues involved in use of social media for promoting eco-friendly products and examines typical digital marketing consequences on consumer buying dynamics.

Keywords: Marketing, consumer preferences, globalization, facebook, eco-friendly products.


Days are changing; the age old marketing mix conception has been completely changed. Social media transformed the conventional marketing strategies. The present world marketing dynamics reveals the power of social media in reaching the customers at quick time. Customers are with unique tastes and preferences are also could be rightly addressed through having continuous interactions. Social media revised the earlier assumptions of segmentation, targeting and positioning.

Facebook offering many features to the marketers, all those are proactive in nature. Social media also influences critical socio-economic facets. Now-a-days public became so addictive towards usage of internet. Online buying is tremendously increased and marketing simulation techniques are worked so effectively. Marketing permutations would certainly influenced by demographics of the customers. This social media emerged as a non-substitute tool which might have persuasive impressions in the minds of the prosumers.

World Scenario:

USA is considered as a pioneer in usage of social media for marketing products and services. Since the inception of the internet services USA stood ahead in applying the technology in the field of marketing. Almost all the western countries are using social media by the marketing divisions of corporate houses.

Indian Scenario:

The scenario of India is typically interesting to know; somewhat India is new to the use of social media. When compared to other developing nations Indian statistics with respect use of social media in the recent times is evidently shown that the customers preferring internet and its allied services for their purchasing. In this context, China is also performing vibrantly and these two nations competing with each other in imbibing of social media with marketing of products and services.

India and Facebook:

There is a mushroom growth witnessed in India concerning facebook application usage. 240 billion mark is also crossed beating USA and secured world’s first position. Out of this 240 billion the young population who are using facebook accounting to 122.4 billion. This simple latest statistical figure is enough to estimate how predominantly the facebook application functioning in attracting new users and retaining them.

Here some more interesting facts about facebook:

Total number of facebook pages – 50 million

Total number of facebook apps – 10 million

Total number of facebook friend connections – 141.5 billion

Average daily facebook likes – 4.5 billion

Total photos uploaded on facebook till January, 2017 – 240 billion

Daily photos uploads – 350 million

Average time spent by user on facebook per month – 8.3 hours

Total number of facebook advertisers – 1 million

Total number of facebook promoted posts – 2.5 million

Source: usatoday.com

Facebook has been regarded as popular social media in India. The topical studies show that more than 50 percent of the population holds their accounts in Facebook. Facebook is not only a just medium of communication but also it’s a powerful weapon in the hands of the marketers. Many marketing researches are going through the facebook. All the aspects of the marketing are treating perfectly in the facebook. Eco-friendly products are also marketed in the facebook. Marketing and sustainable development is a great conception if it is effectively pursued.

Statement of the Problem:

Most commonly faced organizational marketing problems are brand establishment, sales, retaining and attracting new customers. Age old philosophies never work under ever changing market dynamics. Corrections which are happening at world markets certainly affect local market progressions and apprehensions. In particular, promoting eco-friendly products needs more attention in explaining things to the customers properly and impact creation in buying those. Social media has now become so impressive in the context of exploring marketing things in a new fashion. Facebook is already using as a marketing tool by majority of the corporate houses. Hence, this title is rightly chosen ‘Facebook & Societal Marketing: A Strategic Assessment of Social Media influence on eco-friendly products promotion’ in order to have an in detail strategic analysis and, to discern pros and cons of use of facebook in promoting eco-friendly products.

Need for the Study:

Changing economic and environmental conditions raised the urgency of concentrating more on producing eco-friendly products. Sustainability aspect is still in discussions. Marketing and sustainable development is the combined effort of business houses and authoritative bodies. Indian marketing dynamics are conventional and deals with product centric approach. Due to uncountable efforts of many international agencies in promoting the use of eco-friendly products, Indian marketers are in thought-shift. Social media is using so widely in communicating and even for marketing products. In this concern, the facebook emerged as the most interactive tool for product promotion and sales. Many studies have shown that the intensity of the social media in consumer buying preferences is obviously noticeable. Thus, the present study gained its own prominence in assessing the impact of facebook in eco-friendly products promotion.

Objectives of the Study:

The following are the objectives of the study:

1. To study association between facebook and consumer buying attitude;
2. To examine the impact of facebook on promoting eco-friendly products;
3. To assess influencing moral challenges of facebook and marketing of eco-friendly products;


Review of related studies is concentrated on academic writings including textbooks, empirical studies, and articles associated with social media and marketing. This study consists of quantitative method. Population consists of young people whose age is ranging 18 to 25 years. The population includes two categories of people like students, working professionals. This is an internet based study. Unit of analysis is an individual. Judgmental Random Sampling procedure is followed to select sample respondents, looking into convenience 384 respondents are selected. Data is collected from the respondents by using the questionnaire specifically designed for the purpose. It is an online survey. Only facebook account holders are considered for the survey apart from consulting senior marketing people. Drawing upon our own experiences, observations and the available literature the questionnaire is prepared to collect data from the respondents. Likerts summated rating technique is the method adopted. Accordingly each scale item consisted of 5 response categories: Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, which are scored from 5 to 1. A high score for response to any of the items indicates a high level of effectiveness rating and low score indicates a low level of effectiveness rating. The responses to the various statements by all the respondents are carefully recorded and tabulated. The tabulated data is analyzed with classy statistical tools.


A. Demographic Profile:

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Source: Survey

Table A visibly shows the demographic profile of the respondents. Male respondents are accounting to 261 (68%) and Females represent 123 (32%) of the total sample. Most of the respondents age of ranging between 18-20 (47%), followed by 24-25 (27%) and 21-23 (26%). Majority of the respondents are from Urban locale (64%) and others including semi-urban and rural (36%) present in the sample.

B. Association between facebook role in promoting eco-friendly products and consumer buying attitude:

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Source: Survey

Table B demonstrated correlated values subject to measuring the level of association between facebook and consumer buying attitude. The spearman rank correlation exhibited a strong relation between Frequent access to facebook and consumer buying attitude, facebook as a major source of information and consumer buying attitude, facebook effectiveness in promoting eco-friendly products and consumer buying attitude, role of facebook in time saving and consumer buying attitude and facebook tremendous impact on purchasing decisions and buying attitudes.

C. Impact of facebook on promoting eco-friendly products:

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Source: Survey

Table c shows the ANOVA test results relating to the measuring ‘impact of facebook on promoting eco-friendly products. All the aspects displayed a non significant relationship between facebook impact on promoting eco-friendly products with Gender, Age and Locale it means perceptions of the respondents do not vary by and all are expressed similar response.

D. Assessment of influencing moral challenges of facebook and marketing of eco-friendly products:

Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten

Source: Survey.

Discussion of Results:

Based on the analysis herewith we are listing the core findings of the study:

- Facebook application has a noticeable impact on the consumer buying attitude.
- Facebook users are considering the ‘ app’ as a time saver, gives convenience and influencing the purchasing decisions towards eco-friendly products.
- The issues like trust, confusing policy matters, order execution, slacktivism, risks and cyberbullying are still in discussions.
- All the respondents expressed similar opinions on all the questions irrespective of gender, age and locale.
- Most of the users agreed that the business is getting more benefits rather than the customers.

Strategic Imperatives:

In order to have more in-detail analysis on the current concept the researchers consulted the 10 senior marketing professionals from Hyderabad. Out of this 5 people were contacted through phone with having certain list of questions. Their responses are summarized along with recommendations carried out based on survey enlisted here:

- Use of social media is gradually increased; businesses realized the importance of use of various apps for their product promotions.
- With reference to eco-friendly products, facebook application is tremendously working and playing pivotal role in creating awareness of the necessity of using these products.
- Business houses must focus more on delivering quality goods in time and making clear about policy matters.
- Cyber issues are also increasing, special emphasis is required and young people are becoming as cyber victims. Cyber surveillance should be improved.
- Almost all the marketers are thinking about attracting new customers because of changes in customers’ attitude. Product shift has become common feature of present marketing.
- NGO’s and voluntary agencies also must extend their cooperation in promoting the eco-friendly products.
- Government policies have to be revised as per the changing needs and marketing dynamics.


The study revealed many interesting things about use of social media in promoting eco-friendly products. The reality is that, almost all the educated young population in India has a facebook account. Facebook emerged as a powerful tool in increasing sales from the point of marketers and, customers felt that they are saving time and getting updated information. Still some questions relating to cyber concerns are not yet addressed properly.

Scope for Further Research:

The present study is limited to studying the impact and role of facebook application in promoting the eco-friendly products. There is abundant amount of scope to do further research in this area. This area can be extended through including other trending apps like whatsapp, hike and sharechat etc. This study is only an initial move in the e-marketing arena and it opens gates for further research.


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Ende der Leseprobe aus 9 Seiten


Facebook & Societal Marketing. A Strategic Assessment of Social Media Influence on Eco-Friendly Products Promotion
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
475 KB
Societal Marketing, Facebook, Social Media, Eco-Friendly, Products, Promotion, Marketing
Arbeit zitieren
G V Chandra Mouli (Autor:in), 2017, Facebook & Societal Marketing. A Strategic Assessment of Social Media Influence on Eco-Friendly Products Promotion, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/412790


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