Does the Use of Cell Phones Increase the Risk of Breast Cancer? An Investigation

Research Paper (postgraduate), 2017

10 Pages, Grade: 1

Abstract or Introduction

Breast cancer is posing serious threats to women, although men have also been found to suffer from breast cancer. Therefore, this paper will provide an overview of breast cancer disease. It will also answer the research question: Does women carrying cell phones in their bras increase their chances of breast cancer, making breast cancer more frequent in younger women?

Breast cancer has been presenting diverse trends for decades and its increased prevalence in young women has raised concern among scientists. In practice, breast cancer is characterized by the growth of tumor cells in the breast tissue. Breast cancer is believed to have claimed many human lives in the past four decades, but its prevalence has decreased significantly due to improved disease awareness and treatment.

Additionally, the observed decrease in cancer prevalence rate is also attributed to effective breast cancer screening that has enabled healthcare professionals to detect breast cancer cells at the early stages of the disease onset. Recent medical data show that about 230, 480 women in the U.S have invasive breast cancer. Further medical reports show that 57, 650 women have developed non-invasive breast cancer. Consequently, it is estimated that the prevalence rate of breast cancer has reached 13 percent, and this has made the number of breast cancer survivors in the U.S to reach 2.5 million individuals. Ductal breast cancer has been identified to be the most prevalent with a prevalence rate of 80% while lobular cancer comes second with 15% prevalence rate. Other types of breast cancers such as inflammatory breast cancer, medullary cancer and angiosarcoma account for 5% of all breast cancer cases.


Does the Use of Cell Phones Increase the Risk of Breast Cancer? An Investigation
Egerton University
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ISBN (eBook)
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File size
413 KB
invasive breast cancer, non-invasice, ductal
Quote paper
Patrick Kimuyu (Author), 2017, Does the Use of Cell Phones Increase the Risk of Breast Cancer? An Investigation, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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