The Role of Leadership in the Administration of a Health Organization

Essay, 2016

8 Pages, Grade: 27/30

Abstract or Introduction

“People are led and resources are managed”. A clear understanding of this critical and meaningful difference is the beginning of leadership wisdom that opens the way to being successful. Throughout human history, leadership has been of great importance. Nowadays as much as ever, better leadership helps organizations survive through today’s dynamic world where the business environment is consistently changing and driven by economic instability. Both global and domestic advances in technology, changing markets, regulatory change and fierce competition call for suitable influence from leaders to have objectives met. Organizations realize that effective leadership will provide them with a competitive superiority over rivals and the ability to carry out profound transformation to their organizations.

The health care industry is an enormous business, one of the most dynamic sectors driven by the economic situation. Every person in the world needs health care, governments are judged on it as almost everyone is interested in how it is delivered. It is known that better health promotes economic growth which in turn, by catalyzing the equitable distribution of wealth, leads to healthier populations. In such a sensitive sector, leadership and continuity of leadership are of great significance for the provision of effective services.

Organizing and managing healthcare delivery to meet higher standardized quality levels is a complex undertaking. Be it at the national level, local levels or at the level of individual interaction between healthcare professional and patient - profound knowledge of both management and leadership principles are required to navigate and successfully solve problems of cost, quality, and access to care across the continuum of care in our society. Leaders are indeed the catalysts for organizational, group, and individual greatness. No great leaders of our time have been successful and prosperous without first understanding the principles of leadership.

Using analytic and documentary methods, this piece of work aims to depict effective leadership as a cornerstone of every successful healthcare organization. Although complex in its composition, successful health organizations need effective leadership and management to enable them functioning as single unit for effective and better achievements.


The Role of Leadership in the Administration of a Health Organization
Health Management
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ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
569 KB
role, leadership, administration, health, organization
Quote paper
Bruce Wembulua (Author), 2016, The Role of Leadership in the Administration of a Health Organization, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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