Even Funnier When Someone Gets Hurt. Comedy and Transformative Mediation

Term Paper, 2016

11 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

“There is nothing funny about that” – we often hear people say this when the topic touches on a sensitive issue. Jokes concerning those disabled, sex, race, homosexuality, cultural differences, power, authority, privilege, wealth etc. place many in an uncomfortable position. This is because many of these conversations are only had with people in our own social group. For example, a group of men discussing feminism and why women should or should not have equal pay. However, comedy places us in a unique position. Humour ravels truth in a veil of silliness and delivers it a diverse audience. Thus, humour also gives us an opportunity to mediate and eventually heal deep seated issues in society.

I argue that it is possible to use humour to initiate transformative mediation. I use the benign violation theory to argue that the violation present in humour, is a chance to begin having the conversation, “Why is this topic sensitive and how do we heal wounds as a community?” Lastly, I dissect the Monty Python skit, “The Village Idiot”, to tweeze out the implicit message of social labeling, status, marginalization and the educational system.


Even Funnier When Someone Gets Hurt. Comedy and Transformative Mediation
Free University of Berlin  (European Societies)
'And now for something completely different': Sociological Issues in the Works of Monty Python
Catalog Number
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ISBN (Book)
File size
529 KB
even, funnier, when, someone, gets, hurt, comedy, transformative, mediation
Quote paper
Kibbs Fortilus (Author), 2016, Even Funnier When Someone Gets Hurt. Comedy and Transformative Mediation, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/342353


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