Hardiness Among Secondary School Teachers In Relation To Gender

Trabajo de Seminario, 2016

6 Páginas

Resumen o Introducción

The present study was conducted on 100 secondary school teachers to find out gender difference in personality hardiness and its dimensions among male and female secondary school teachers of Fazilka District.

Teachers are of paramount importance in the educational systems of all nations, and the overall progress of a nation largely depends upon the quality of its teachers. From primary to higher education, a teacher is looked upon as an ideal for students. Healthy and motivated teachers have a positive impact on society as a whole because their way of coping with stressful situations undoubtedly also has an impact on student’s attitude and overall school performance.

Teachers, being an important part of the society, also feel stress in their day to day activities. This in turn influences their teaching and influences student’s life. There are some teachers who remain healthy and happy, even in the stressful situations. All this is due to their way of coping with stress.


Hardiness Among Secondary School Teachers In Relation To Gender
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ISBN (Ebook)
ISBN (Libro)
Tamaño de fichero
1014 KB
Palabras clave
hardiness, among, secondary, school, teachers, relation, gender
Citar trabajo
Ruchi Sachdeva (Autor)Suman Kamboj (Autor), 2016, Hardiness Among Secondary School Teachers In Relation To Gender, Múnich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/340985


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