Police and Community Relations

Ensayo, 2016

5 Páginas, Calificación: 95


Community policing is the collaboration between the community and police that
pinpoints out social problems and helps in solving them. In the society today, the problem of
insecurity is not only an issue of the police, but also the community. Thus, members of the
community have become actively involved in ensuring that they have quality and safe
neighborhoods. This was necessitated by the need to increase community confidence in the
police and decrease the fear of crime during the Clinton era (MacDonald, 2002).
Traditionally, it was the police who had the sole responsibility of ensuring that communities
were secure through responding to 911 calls (MacDonald, 2002). But today, the main goal of
community policing is concerned with establishing an orderly safe community by actively
involving its members. This is ensured through various meetings with police officers and
some members of the community. In these meetings, the members of society give their views
to the police and show their commitment to ensure order while police on the other hand
provide resources and training. Also, the community has gone an extra mile to have "know
your neighbor" initiative, which allows members of the neighborhood to be sensitive and
vigilant against strangers and suspicious people.
The relationship between police and members of a community is founded on
understanding, patience and trust for a mutual benefit of the people, which is very substantial
in cementing the rule of law. This in turn has led to the development of a society that sees
police as friends and not enemies as people realize that the protection agencies have been put
in place for their interest. As a result, they will be more than willing to assist the police in
apprehending criminals and cracking gangs. Consequently, as a community, we will deter
and bring down criminal activities and at the end of the day we will have a safe neighborhood
(Kappeler & Gaines, 2012). On the other hand, the use of excessive force by police in
handling people whether criminals or not, have a negative impact on the society. Though they

are not that quite often, they bring distrust between the community and protective agencies
and as a result, it becomes easier for criminal and gangs to thrive due to weakened
community policing (Kappeler & Gaines, 2012). Also, most of the apprehension turns out to
be court cases which are won by the victims. Thus, the police end up being painted as
inhumane in the society.
Since 9/11, we have taken social security responsibility serious, and we can agree that
as a nation we have had less broad spectrum insecurity issues. This has been as a result of
collaborative efforts of our security agencies and society, both within and outside our
borders. We have fostered patriotism in our citizens, and we didn't leave the issues of
security to the police, FBI, homeland security agents, the CIA, private security contractors or
military because we appreciate the fact that despite having the greatest security force and
technology on earth, we can do little without the loyalty of citizens. Most security issues
experienced internationally are carried by people who were once a citizen of those countries
but with time were radicalized (Kappeler & Gaines, 2012).The United States' Constitution is
by far the most democratic supreme law of the land that gives people incredible liberties than
any other in the world today (Dmtrakopoulos, 2007). For instance, before being arrested,
the police should have the warrant to do so irrespective whether they have uncontested
evidence, the same applies when searching any building. Also, the police should read the
Miranda clauses, which bring to attention the rights the arrested can exploit; such are right to
an attorney, not to self-incriminate and others (Dmtrakopoulos, 2007). Moreover, before
the criminal is convicted, there must be a reasonable proof beyond doubt. When you examine
Russia, China, some African and Middle East countries, you will realize that less is left to be
exploited by the suspected criminal and the idea of innocent until proven guilty is not in
practice as it is in the USA.

The best way to deal with the issue of security and order in a community is through
fostering loyalty and trust between the society and security agencies (Morabito, 2008). This
can be achieved through the exchange, benchmark and training programs arrangements. Also,
the installations of CCTV surveillance and security awareness campaigns have proven to be
helpful. These opportunities will give a platform to the members of society where they can
interact with the police at an even play field and they can deliberate on the issues that affect
them without people holding back (Morabito, 2008). The installation of CCTV surveillance
reduces crime as the perpetrators feel that they are being watched thus it minimizes such
activities. Through security awareness campaign, the security agencies appeal to people's
emotion and social responsibility to be caring and work collectively towards the eradication
of criminal society and establishing an orderly community (2008). Furthermore, employing
people in the police service or security agency from the local community can have a positive
impact on building trust in the police force, so long as those people incorporated are of high
moral character. Thus, in the long run, if these policies are implemented or utilized, they can
go a great way in establishing an orderly society.

Dmtrakopoulos, I. (2007). Individual rights and liberties under the U.S. Constitution: The
case law of the U.S. Supreme Court. Boston, MA: M. Nijhoff.
Kappeler, V. E., & Gaines, L. K. (2012). Community Policing: A Contemporary
Perspective(6th ed.). Burlington: Elsevier Science.
MacDonald, J. M. (2002). The effectiveness of community policing in reducing urban
violence.Journal of Crime and Deliquency, 48(4), 592-618.
Morabito, M. S. (2008). Understanding community policing as an innovation: Patterns of
adoption. Crime and Delinquency, 56, 564-587. doi:10.1177/0011128707311643
Final del extracto de 5 páginas


Police and Community Relations
No. de catálogo
ISBN (Ebook)
ISBN (Libro)
Tamaño de fichero
413 KB
Palabras clave
community policing, police, safety, community relations
Citar trabajo
Selina Kolls (Autor), 2016, Police and Community Relations, Múnich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/337845


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