The Civil War in American Culture. A Comparison of two Poems by Walt Whitman

Essay, 2014

5 Pages, Grade: 1,7

Abstract or Introduction

The Civil War (1861-1865) was a significant and crucial experience for the still young nation of the United States. As a logical consequence, it immediately became a very important topic in American literature and culture. In this essay, I am going to compare two poems by Walt Whitman in order show the transformation in the perception and the resulting representation of the Civil War in American culture.

Across all areas of culture, there is a development in the way the war is depicted. Whitman's own transformation from celebration to mourning is typical for the change undergone by the entire nation. Both poems are part of Whitman's collection Drum-Taps which was published in 1865, after the end of the war. However, they were created at different times. The first poem I am going to look at, First O songs for a prelude, was written in 1861 after the first battle at Fort Sumter and the resulting outbreak of the Civil War. The date of the second poem, The Wound-Dresser, is not exactly known, but Whitman certainly created it after 1862. That was the year where he found out that his brother was missing and then set out to look for him around the battlefields. So by the time The Wound-Dresser was written, Whitman had actually experienced war and undergone a comprehensive transformation, just as the whole nation.


The Civil War in American Culture. A Comparison of two Poems by Walt Whitman
University of Augsburg  (Philologisch-Historische Fakultät)
Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture
Catalog Number
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File size
669 KB
Civil War, Walt Whitman, Wound-Dresser, First o songs for a prelude, USA
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Damaris Englert (Author), 2014, The Civil War in American Culture. A Comparison of two Poems by Walt Whitman, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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