The Origin Of Biological Complex Gear

Design Intent regarding Surfboard fins with “Intelligent Mechanics, i-mech”

Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz, 2016

14 Seiten

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Dienst (Autor:in)

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The artificial fin system CARPO

Surfing (Hawaiian: he'e nalu, engl. surfing) exerted on coastal waves and is in a sliding motion on the water surface. The typical for surfboards and differently designed fins at the tail stabilize the board in drive and enable steering movements in the shaft. Finns are as guidance and control wing for lateral plane of surfboards and fluidic properties and the specific selection by the surfer that are critical to performance, maneuverability and style of surfing. Profile flexible, deflectable or hingedly executed designs for surfboard fins are not prior art. The specific requirements in driving and maneuvering, make flexible guidance and control systems wings desirable with non-symmetrical airfoils. The artificial fin system CARPO is inspired by the fluid-structure interaction of elastic-moving dolphin hand. The "hands" of vertebrates form of kinematic structures that occupy adaptively and autonomously an advantageous shape under mechanical stress. This passive exercise Deformation interaction of the metacarpal (lat.: metacarpal) requires no cognitive effort of the essence. We call stress Adaptive Designs "intelligent mechanics, i-mech". The metacarpals system of dolphins is a spatially effective linkage, lead in the flow forces on a load-adaptive change in shape of the structure. The sensible semantics of functional elements makes the ordering and the kinematic principle of Biosystems visible. CARPO FIN is a first fundamental transfer of biological shaping principle "carpus" in a flow- adaptive, artificial surfboard fin. When maneuvering the CARPO FIN structure differs slightly the cross flow force (canting). Kinematic (i-mech) enters the airfoil in a spatial deformation state (adaptation) and an asymmetric profile contour is formed. Theoretical flow investigations suggest, that the now effective flow at airfoil the lift force (lift) of the fin increases and also the harmful stall (Separation) out delay time. The flow resistance (drag) of the deformed fin is less than that of symmetrical contour in off condition (stall); agility of the shear force generating increased momentum during maneuvering.

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scaled from a technical, systemic view and reported our hand, in particular the system of metacarpals (metacarpal) "transmission elements" according to the above-described bending and spreading principle in a spatial arrangement. This arrangement is very complex. The carpometacarpal joints (connecting the distal hand root bones with the second to fifth metacarpals, (Articulationes carpometacarpales ll-V) are not directly associated with the wrist in humans. The metacarpal bones of the vertebrate hand are the Design Intent for the development project CARPO Fin. As these supposed transmission elements are arranged and how they interact with each other, initially remains once hidden under the skin of my hand. Welfare is a man-made no obvious bionic model of a flow body. However, on an abstract level, we find a design principle of the two-legged land creature man reveals the kinematic nature of the metacarpal in a special form and interpretation (upper extremity). Let the apple in an "unsuspecting" hand drop, we see immediately that this transmission system can run without cognitive feedback (meaning, nerves and brain), and executes a wise collective movement. The loaded by the weight of an apple, the hand seems passive and adaptive to grip the object. It is an embodied prudence, a characteristic that has acquired and retained the vertebrate skeleton during the millions of years of biological evolution. So I dare - to claim that it is in my, the human hand to a system that clearly covers to load adaptive elements having "intelligent mechanism" - in the absence of an inanimate hand as evidence leading reference system.

Maybe we try the issue of intelligent mechanics better in biological systems (beings) to answer whose limbs professionally involved fluidic guidance, control and maneuvering drive tasks or have employed. We turn therefore to the dolphin hand, a wonderful example of "intelligent mechanics, i-mech" and as a motivation for the development of innovative, future-proof surfboard fins. Consider the "essence of CARPO Fin".


A large number of beings who are living in aquatic vertebrates. Over the biological evolution, some terrestrial mammals have developed an aquatic life form. The Ambulocetus ( "running whale") about a genus first whales (Cetacea) from the time of the early Eocene (about 50 million years ago). Ambulocetus could run both swim. At his anatomy that suggests this amphibious lifestyle, paleontologists show today that have whales (probably rather small) terrestrial mammals developed. The pelvic girdle which is now in the further evolutionary development the seas peopling mammals receded gradually. The limbs formed around and adapted themselves to their functions of the new, the aquatic life. Arms and hands were transformed into fins (flippers) the entire body of cetaceans has been streamlined, making new body parts, such as the dorsal fin. Today we see only a selectively decrypted segment of evolutionary development and the identification of targets of recent research aims in rare cases with those of oriented applications bionics. Nevertheless, some basic instructions are extractable. The entire structural morphology of modern whales and cetaceans is a constant reference to the adapted to life on land ancestors. So the hands of modern dolphins are not only used for maneuvering, but also serve as an important tactile organs in the social and sexual relations with other dolphins. The dolphin hand out the extreme example of the functional differentiation of a fluid-mechanically effective guidance, control and drive the wing from the already extremely complex movement, which in the course of biological evolution an aquatic life-form (re) adopted. Since the preparations of the hands of dolphins and other cetaceans in most collections serve purposes other than the analysis of movements and the presentation of their complex kinematics, the extraction of the kinematic solution principle of biological transmission of interaction affection his joint elements and comes the development of a technical interpretation of the biological principle a certain importance. Prior to the design of kinematic Surfboard fins with intelligent mechanics, i-mech, functional, kinematic solution here principles of the envisaged structure are discussed. The solution principle is indeed an important work product of the early phase of industrial product development.

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Illustration5: and Illustration 6: Preparation of a "modern" dolphin hand. Natural History Museum Berlin, Mi. Dienst 2013.

Evolution of fins

The description of the origin and evolution of the vertebrates (vertebrates) is not appropriate, gaps and has led in the past, experts repeatedly heated discussions. New fossils that phylogenetic analysis and improved methods lead to developmental models with which bodily functions - and in our case interested body kinematics - can be made understandable. An important element in the understanding of the paired extremities, especially the "handed", fluid-mechanically effective fins is their semantic positioning and arrangement in the overall skeleton of vertebrates. The body skeleton has to store the function to protect the intestines various minerals, to form a series of solid articulated (skeletal) elements and give the body a certain stiffness. The central organizational system, the spine is older than any other part of the post-cranial skeleton except the notochord, is the original, mesodermal, internal axial skeleton of all chordates and for this the eponymous feature.

The phylogeny of limb development in vertebrates is not completely. There is evidence that the original (aquatic) vertebrate has developed starting a seam of lateral fins pairs at the gills to the rear of the body. Fossil evidence suggests that modern fish have adopted the concept of phylogenetic fin base their ancestors. Experiments for induction of extremities of the amphibians larva also point out that the formation of limbs wherever (the continuous) fin folds are postulated.

The (paired) dorsal and anal fins serve to stabilize the system in service and prevent the body rotates around the vertical axis (yaw) and the longitudinal axis (roll). Probably the original (morphological and constructive) state that each fin but was rod-like support initially segmented "radials" within the body contour by an arrangement. The segmental arrangement was lost during evolution. The earliest paired fins have a broad base, so that the proximal part (towards the body) facing outwards was often much larger than the distal and basal (from the base) is called. The visible membrane of the fin was protected from dermal scales. The fins of more advanced fish were internally supported by a number slender flowed rays. The rays of the cartilage and the bone fish differ from each other and are derived from scales. Later di base of the fin was reduced, which improved their mobility. The basals widened, their number was included low and in the edge of the fin. The fins of the recent fish consist of a membrane support surface (webbing), which is stabilized by non-isotrope fin rays. In the musculature the fin rays are anchored with fin ray beams. The morphological structure of the fin represents a balanced combination of stiffness and flexibility, allowing the animal a finely tuned hydrodynamic interaction with the environment. The rays of bony fish are by sting rays (hard) and member chains (soft) distinction. Hard jets are unstructured, mostly smooth pieces of bone, soft rays consist of two halves fused together.

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Illustration 5 and Illustration 6:

Fin membrane with fin rays (schematic illustration) web S, half-tube H, membrane M, F and Fugue Inlet I. Right: The non-orthodox motion conduct a mackerel fin.

The rays of the fish's fin as two at a certain distance linked by bridges S, structured half tubes H You have to imagine. The half-tube system has a Inlet I, filling the space between half tubes and bars. The membrane M coats the half tubes that can slide on each other due to joint F; schematic sketch in Fig.5. Fish fin rays are bilateral structures. The two halves of each beam can slide past each other. The displacement movement is in response to external loads and / or when the bases of the fin rays system, the fin muscles are moved to the root of the fin rays. The surrounding membrane (webbing) forms pockets which encase the half-tubes of fin rays and add them to a compact quasi-round material and radially stabilize. At the webs S, the two half-tubes are mechanically coupled to one another. Membrane with membrane bags and tubes systems, respectively webbing and fin rays form a three-dimensional airfoil with anisotropic properties.

The fluid-structure interaction in momentum exchange with the fluid through the membrane support surface of the fish's fin can be productive or generative.


Ende der Leseprobe aus 14 Seiten


The Origin Of Biological Complex Gear
Design Intent regarding Surfboard fins with “Intelligent Mechanics, i-mech”
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
1189 KB
Michael Dienst lives and works in Berlin and is sailing for the Club Nautique Francais de Tegel (CNFT). He is spokesman at the BIONIC RESEARCH Unit at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin and lecturer for Bionic Engineering at the Industrial Design Institute of the University of Applied Sciences in Magdeburg.
Fin, Dolpins, hand, origin, bionics, surfing
Arbeit zitieren
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Dienst (Autor:in), 2016, The Origin Of Biological Complex Gear, München, GRIN Verlag,


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