How valid is the distinction between the popular and the quality press in Britain?

Essay, 2000

9 Pages, Grade: 2

Abstract or Introduction

In the UK you can find a wide range of newspapers. In general you can divide them into quality and popular press. Quality newspapers are The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Independent and The Financial Times. The popular press consists of The Daily Mirror, The Daily Express, The Daily Star and The Sun. You can also find a lot of regional newspapers; for example The Evening Standard (London, popular press oriented), The South Wales Echo (South Wales, popular press oriented) and The Western Mail ( Wales, more quality press oriented). In this essay I will refer to the popular press as tabloid press. The aim of this essay is to compare quality press and tabloid press. This I will do with two examples: The Times and The Sun. So the question might arise why I chose just those two newspapers? They are both reflective of their field and are recognized all over the world. However they both belong to the same person: to the Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch. And so a second question arises: Are there indications that this constellation might minimize the difference between quality and tabloid press? Yet we are in the age of the internet. So a third question arises: Are both newspapers sufficiently represented on the internet?


How valid is the distinction between the popular and the quality press in Britain?
Cardiff University  (School of European Studies)
British Society and Culture
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464 KB
As this essay shows there is a great difference between quality and tabloid press. The amount and quality of given information alone is much higher in the quality press. But this is a comparison between The Times and The Sun. Consequently as a conclusion I have to say that in spite of the high register and brilliant language, The Times is not critical enough to show todays capitalism a firm way in its future. This newspaper is loyal to the government, the monarchy and christianity.
Britain, British, Society, Culture
Quote paper
Dr. phil. Roland Scheller (Author), 2000, How valid is the distinction between the popular and the quality press in Britain?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


  • Know All on 3/4/2011

    Would be a good idea to update this article - and correct the grammar in it (e.g. Sun has also got five times as much readers as The Times) so that these mistakes are not repeated by students! Otherwise interesting, even if no longer up-to-date.

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Title: How valid is the distinction between the popular and the quality press in Britain?

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