Benjamin Franklin in his Autobiography and in Edmund S. Morgan's Biography Benjamin Franklin

Essay, 2002

6 Pages, Grade: 2,0

Abstract or Introduction

Benjamin Franklin was the first American hero. He was essential in formulating America’s cause and his role in the peace negotiations with England made him an idol for generations. In his Autobiography the reader can follow the course of his life until his 30th birthday. Although he does not give any accounts on his role in achieving American Independence, his work delivers a good impression on his character. Nevertheless, to understand Franklin more thoroughly it is essential to consider a modern biography about him. In comparison to the Autobiography which lays stress on his attitude and principles towards life, Edmund S. Morgan’s work Benjamin Franklin estimates his achievements for America by using these principles as an explanation for his success. When comparing Franklin’s own story about his life with any other biography, we have to take into account whom he addresses with his writing. The first part of the Autobiography is dedicated to his son William and is written while the old man is on a political mission in England in 17711. Unlike Morgan’s Benjamin Franklin, published in 2002 and written for a broad audience, Franklin did not explicitly address the public with the first part of his work. Even though the Autobiography has by today been published and distributed all over the world, it is crucial to consider that its initial purpose was only to inform his son.


Benjamin Franklin in his Autobiography and in Edmund S. Morgan's Biography Benjamin Franklin
Sewanee the University of the South
History 201: History of the US
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
442 KB
Benjamin, Franklin, Autobiography, Edmund, Morgan, Biography, Benjamin, Franklin, History
Quote paper
Moritz Oehl (Author), 2002, Benjamin Franklin in his Autobiography and in Edmund S. Morgan's Biography Benjamin Franklin, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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