The Muted Group Theory. An Overview

Essay, 2015

6 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

The Muted Group Theory was initially proposed by social anthropologists, Ardener and Ardener, in their book 'Belief and The Problem of Women'. The proposers of this hypothesis say that muted groups are those gatherings in the society that have practically no power and that they experience difficulty when communicating or giving out their voice on issues in the society on the grounds that they have less power in participating in the making of the language they use. The power rests upon the majority. Thus, for them to pass their recognitions to the society they should re-encode their thoughts and activities to make them comprehended in the general population circle.

In understanding this theory, it just implies that sure minority groups or rather aggregates that are seen to be minority in the society think that it is difficult to communicate in a language that the majority has produced for the overall population. This is on the grounds that the language supports the creators over a second or outsider that uses that language. The idea of minority or majority can be based on sex, age, skin shading, and religion, spot of source or class.


The Muted Group Theory. An Overview
Bachelor of Commerce
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387 KB
muted, group, theory, thesis, assignment, The Problem of Women, Women, Kramarae, Friedan, Sigmund Freud, Skinner, Bandura, Social Cognitive Theory, Gender, Gender Influences, Social Mystique
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Dennis Nangabo (Author), 2015, The Muted Group Theory. An Overview, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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