Essoura Balaghiya Wa El El Abaadouha Tawassouliya Fi Dhoui Manhaje El El El Tawlidi Tahwili

The Rhetorical Image and its Communicate Dimensions

Doktorarbeit / Dissertation, 2014

325 Seiten

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

This thesis is written in Arabic language and letters.

The linguistic studies have induced these last decades a true revolution which has contributed in the developement of some concepts and at the emergence of a lot of eminent approaches that have an impact on the expansion of the linguistic studies and literature .

Perhaps one of the most important of these studies which are more and more dealt with among researchers in the middle of the last century is the generative transformational approach established by the linguist Naom Chomsky who knew how to exploit the human linguistic patrimony invested generously by the talent of his Arab and Occidental predecessors in the field of language and Rhetoric.

Their efforts are clearly visible in his approach, this have incited the arab researchers to demonstrate that Noam Chomsky has perfectly known how to exploit the arab savants efforts in language and rhetoric as the researcher Jassem Jassem pointed it out in his article "The impact of the arab grammar in the theory of Chomsky" and Ahmed Jarmouch el Abd – Allah’s thesis "Abd el kaher el Jourjani at the light of Modern linguistics" and other reseachers who confirmed that Chomsky drew his inspiration from the Arab heir through the hebreuw language which itself had grounded the construction of its grammar on the arabic language pattern which prevailed in Andalousia and translated later throughout Europe.
Chomsky knew how to exploit these translation in his approach.


Essoura Balaghiya Wa El El Abaadouha Tawassouliya Fi Dhoui Manhaje El El El Tawlidi Tahwili
The Rhetorical Image and its Communicate Dimensions
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
1704 KB
Arbeit zitieren
Abdelkader Benasla (Autor:in), 2014, Essoura Balaghiya Wa El El Abaadouha Tawassouliya Fi Dhoui Manhaje El El El Tawlidi Tahwili, München, GRIN Verlag,


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