Who is Peter Pan? Influences from the biography of the author J. M. Barrie on the creation of the character Peter Pan

Essay, 2011

5 Seiten, Note: 1,7

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

This essay looks into the biography of J.M. Barrie trying to assess which one of the Llewelyn Davies boys had the biggest influence on the character Peter Pan or if on of the boys was Peter Pan.

These days not a lot of people know that Peter Pan is not just a Disney movie and most of the people who do know that Peter Pan was originally a play are not aware that although the story might be fiction the character of Peter Pan is not. This paper will look into different aspects of J.M. Barrie’s life, the author of Peter Pan, and it will show that there were certain experiences that inspired him to come up with the story of a boy called Peter Pan.
It is safe to say that Barrie had two main sources of inspiration, his older brother David and the Llewelyn Davies family. Barrie always claimed that he created Peter Pan by violently rubbing the five Llewelyn Davies boys together and that Pan was the spark he got from them. However, the most interesting aspect is finding similarities between Peter Pan and Barrie himself.


Who is Peter Pan? Influences from the biography of the author J. M. Barrie on the creation of the character Peter Pan
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
ISBN (eBook)
420 KB
Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie, The Lost Boys, Llewelyn Davies
Arbeit zitieren
Kathrin Metzger (Autor:in), 2011, Who is Peter Pan? Influences from the biography of the author J. M. Barrie on the creation of the character Peter Pan, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/283551


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