How will Generation Y’s Skill in Network Marketing impact ‘Purchase Social Responsibility’ in the Automobile Sector in India?

Master's Thesis, 2014

82 Pages, Grade: 1,3 German Grade (A+)


Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations

List of Tables

List of Figures

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 - Purchasing Social Responsibility (PSR)
2.2 - Automobile Industry and Supply Chain Management
2.3 - Network Marketing and Youth in India
2.4 - Social Shopping, Crowd Shopping and Online Game and Shopping
2.5 - Customer Relationship Management and Business Intelligence Integration.

Chapter 3 Research Methods
3.1 - Statement of Problem
3.2 - Objectives of Study
3.3 - Scope of Study
3.4 - Research Design.
3.5 - Preliminary Investigation
3.6 - Sources of Data
3.7 - Design Structure of Interview
3.7 - Importance of Different Phases of Interviews
3.8 - Target Sample for Interviews
3.9 - Limitation of the Study

Chapter 4 Results and Findings
4.1 - Interviews and Connecting Dots
4.2 - Results

Chapter 5 Discussions and Conclusions




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Table 1: Contrasts in Reality

Table 2: Smartphone Subscriber Growth


Figure 1: Popular Social Media Activities (Percentage of Online Tweets and Teens Who Say They Do These Activities At Least Weekly)

Figure 2: Big Corporations and their spending on CSR

Figure 3: PSR and its driving force

Figure 4: Organizational norms dictating appropriate purchasing practises

Figure 5: Sustainability factors in automobile industry

Figure 6: The top five challenges for the automotive supply chain

Figure 7: Logistic cost control

Figure 8: Automotive industry and Globalization

Figure 9: Role play of supply chain officers in different industries

Figure 10: Monitoring tools for Social Networking websites

Figure 11: Design Flow of Interview

Figure 12: Snapshot of Web-Portal showing complaints against Tata Motors

Figure 13 Connecting interviews

Figure 14: Auto Component Industry of India

Figure 15: Passenger Vehicle Production in India

Figure 16: Other Automobile Production in India

Figure 17: Convergence of thoughts analysed from interview

Figure 18: Probable long run effect if the same practise is continued in market

Figure 19: Indian Income Pyramid

Figure 20: Changing income pattern in India

Figure 21: Connecting dots of interviews of OEM manufacturers and car dealers

Figure 22: Consumers sharing pattern worldwide

Figure 23: Utilizing mobile application system to achieve Purchase Social Responsibility (including consumer)

Figure 24: Suppliers to Customers

Figure 25: Facts and difference between Group 1 and Group

Figure 26: Pictorial representation of Result

Figure 27: Social Tools and Technologies currently in Use

Figure 28: Popular Social Networking Activities

Figure 29: Boomers Kids to Alpha Kids Distribution

Figure 30: Workforce Distribution of Gen X, Y and Z by

Figure 31: Light Vehicle sales in

Figure 32: Suggestions for Gen Y to leave an impact over Automobile industry to have Purchase Social Responsibility in their organisation

Figure 33: Energy consumption or wastage of Energy?!...


How will generation Y ’ s skill in network marketing impact ‘ Purchase Social Responsibility ’ in the automobile sector of India?

Uncertainty prevails everywhere, but to discover the uncertainty related to this topic one needs to go through this master thesis. The master thesis topic is not a usual topic that we think of in our day to day life, but unknowingly we all are in the hands of a very dreadful system of our own society.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the social responsibility of the company towards the society, including its employees, suppliers, customers and the resources of nature. CSR can be categorised under four categories in general as human rights, environment, labour and anti- corruption.

CSR, a part of profit given back to the society in order to bring up the society or is it just a cover page for bad deeds that the company did to earn more profit?


I did like to explore this challenge within a particular sector of the Indian economy, the automobile sector. The word automobile relates itself to some very important questions correlated with the society and the environment and some of them are as,

- Why India’s automobile market is growing where the European market is in decline?
- What brings leading automobile companies to bring their manufacturing units to India?
- Is it the beginning of boomerang effect in the Indian system too, due to automobile?
- Is India really growing with the help of automobile sector development or is it just a superficial balloon that can burst any moment?

This topic is important to the growing India. I have been looking on the purchasing power of developing nations in the automobile sector due to their tremendous growth. The companies Purchasing Social Responsibility (PSR) policy mainly constructs of five elements diversity, environment, human rights, philanthropy and community and safety. When I see these Page | 10 elements, they are the same elements which drives the marketing department of any company and which drives my attention to find the relation between them.1 PSR is the outcome of integration of social responsibility into purchasing function of any company. In addition to Ethical Sourcing, PSR also approaches to social enterprise purchasing, aboriginal purchasing, local purchasing and fair trade purchasing. Unlike charitable donations which are utter expenses to the company PSR is a way to accomplish social goals without generating additional expenses.2

Above all that since my childhood I have been always fascinated by both the automobiles and IT sector and that’s why it is more important for me to work in this area. In my Bachelors of Engineering in Electronics and Communication, my final year project was on a forging company which manufactured crankshaft for a well-known Indian as well as International automobile companies. The work order at that place forced me to think on two very important functions in the company, Logistics and Marketing. The relation between them may open a new window and can increase the potential for profits by making companies more efficient.3 The Indian Automobile Industry is manufacturing over 11 million vehicles and exporting about

1.5 million every year.

Youth, yes youth is the driving India to the success.4 There are many examples which can illustrate and support the statement but the following would surely give a deep insight to the same, Kuldeep Dantewadia, 23 and Saurabh Saraf, 23 Co-founders, Reap Benefit, Bangalore, Ameera Shah, 31 Chief Executive Officer and executive director, Metropolis Healthcare, Pan India, Varun Agarwal, 25 and Rohn Malhotra, 25 Co-founders, Alma Mater, Pan India, Vishal Chitkara, 26 Managing Director, Airfone India Limited, Pan India Neha Gupta, 27 Executive

Director, Manuka Software Solutions (LIPIKAAR), Pune, Medhavi Gandhi, 25 Director, Happy Hands Foundation, New Delhi and many more to name have set an example in the society that we can change our world.5 Young minds are the ignited minds and if energy is cultivated in proper direction wonders can be created.6 So is energy really directed in the right direction?

PSR and the dynamics in demographics of India are explained in detail in the next chapter. Is it the corporate need or is it the youth who are forcing the companies to change their strategies, from necessity to luxury? Why Tata’s Nano car first pictured as a family car and now is being marketed as a youth car? Why the Audi India’s sales are is higher as compared to BMW India’s sales when it marketed its cars for youth and power and not for luxury or status? India is configured in relation to a specifically postcolonial cultural politics of gender, class, and caste, rooted in the colonialist and nationalist projects, we being Indians are much diversified with our past, our thoughts and culture has been blended by many Kings and Queens. Along with this, negotiating the space of consumption under new conditions of globalization entails traversing a gendered terrain of masculinities and femininities in ways that reveal the link among youth, consumption, and globalization to be a fraught and contradictory.7 India's major trading partners in major industrial sectors are the European Union, China, the United States of America and the United Arab Emirates. During the year 2011, FDI inflow into India stood at $36.5 billion, 51.1% higher than the 2010 figure of $24.15 billion. India has strengths in telecommunication, information technology and other significant areas such as auto components, chemicals, apparels, pharmaceuticals, and jewelry. During 2000-10, the country attracted $178 billion as FDI.8

Foreign investors pumped in more than Rs 15,700 crore in the Indian equity market in October, continuing their buying spree amid easing concerns over the US tapering its monetary stimulus.9 What if this continuous growth by foreign investors stops?

What if global warming and scarce convectional natural resources topples the automotive industry? Can the industry collectively or as an individual company makes a difference from Purchase Social Responsibility as a part of corporate social responsibility? What is the driving force behind a good and successful supply chain in the automotive industry as compared to other industry?

“ The majority of young people also disapprove of how those in their age group conduct themselves in these forums, with 64% feeling that their peers share too much information on social media. ” 10

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Figure 1: Popular Social Media Activities (Percentage of Online Tweets and Teens Who Say They Do These Activities At Least Weekly)11

The above figure is a glimpse of percentage distribution of the activities which a user is performing on a social networking websites. It is also explained in the later part of thesis that, although India is having approximately 67 million of Smartphone users, the industry is failing to generate not even one single closed loop feedback system. Where are these youth lacking to understand the power of closed loop feedback system?

Chapter 3 Research Methodology will explain the Qualitative Method of research used in for this master thesis. CAQDA(Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis) helped in visualising the mystery and the scattered data.

Chapter 4 will give a complete detailed report of analysis of the series of interviews correlated with the secondary data available on various websites. This chapter contains numerous pictorial representations to visualise the findings and will help to understand better.

Chapter 5 contains discussions and conclusion over the thesis topic after going through the findings and results obtained through series of interviews. Public perceptions of corporate irresponsibility are shaped in subjective, yet predictable, ways.

Let us have an overview about the master thesis topic and marketing lingos from the next chapter, the Literature Review.


A company struggling with the seeming costs of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts, can it find a positive alternative in Purchase Social Responsibility (PSR)? As India is rising dramatically and undergoing a major demographic shift towards a younger generation, might companies need to rethink ways they market their products?


The pressure of being a good brand in front of the society, customers, employees, government and various other organizations have been continuously increasing day by day.

Nowadays companies not only provides a financial report but along with it the company also publishes an environmental report and a social report, giving a rise to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).12 CSR cannot simply be referred to as the compliance of human rights, labor and social security, but also to the fight against global warming, efficient management of natural resources and consumer protection.13

Corporations have responded well to these demands in various forms and not just by providing funds to the non- profit organizations but by directly involving in the

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activities. People indeed need help in solving their problems and not just the funds. Firm’s choice of involvement includes market-based activities (such as sponsorships, cause-related organizations, and adoption of new business practices that support community initiatives.14 But as we know the firm’s ultimate goal is to make more and more profit to grow and maintain itself in the marketplace. This ultimate goal of the company conflicts with the pressure applied Page | 15 by corporate social responsibility because money would flow like water from an open tap. How might a company both maintain its profitability and its responsibility to people and the environment? Might it be that by bringing these elements together, companies will actually find a positive impact on all fronts?

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Figure 2: Big Corporations and their spending on CSR15

The term "Corporate Social Responsibility" became popular in the 1960s and has remained a term applied indiscriminately by many to cover legal and moral responsibility more narrowly construed. It is also stated as corporate philanthropy and value creation.16 The below figure debriefs various roles of CSR in big organizations.

Purchasing Social Responsibility is coined by Dr. Craig R. Carter in the article, “Purchasing’s Contribution to the Socially Responsible Management of the Supply Chain” in the year 2000.17 The below figure shows the driving forces of PSR.

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Figure 3: PSR and its driving force18

Organization like United Nations Global Compact is forming strategic policy strategies for any business which intends to align their operations in the 10 universally accepted principles of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption which are as follows:

"Human Right"

- Principle - 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
- Principle - 2: Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


- Principle - 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
- Principle - 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
- Principle - 5: the effective abolition of child labour.
- Principle - 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


- Principle - 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
-Principle - 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
- Principle - 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

Anti Corruption

- Principle - 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. ” 19

All these organizations assist in forming an implementable strategy for the company with various guidelines. For example there are various standards ISO26000, SA8000, ISO14000 and AA1000.20 These standards are not certifications but they are simply the documents which may help them to become a sustainable and reliable company in the market. According to Franklin Haris, in a free society,

There is one and only one social responsibility of business - to use its resources and encourage in activities designed to increase its profit so long as it says within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud21

According to the study concluded by Margarita Tsoutsoura from the Haas School of Business under University of California at Berkley indicates that CSR is positively related to the company’s financial performance and the relation is verified and noted through statistic means proving it to be highly accurate leading to a conclusion that socially responsible corporate performance can be linked with a series of bottom-line benefits.22

In the article, “Does Corporate Social Responsibility Lead to Superior Financial Performance?” by Caroline Flammer from MIT Sloan School of Management, a study on CSR and CFP


(Corporate Financial Performance) with respect to two database RiskMetrics and Factset was made. RiskMetrics covers a database of shareholders vote and proposals for 1500 companies at S&P whereas Factset includes 5600 U.S traded companies from 2001-2010. Flammer suggest that in implementing eco-friendly initiatives the company sees an increment in the stock prices initially but eventually there is a loss in retained earnings which eventually decreases the CFP performance of the company.23

Along with this globalization of production networks and increased competition has made brand image the only lasting base for differentiation in the marketplace. For the same one must find a way to capture both the things at the same moment and here is the situation when the picture of purchasing social responsibility comes into the big picture.

In the next part of the chapter we will be looking towards some of the important facts and figures of automobile industry worldwide.


Over a past century the automobile industry has evolved from a scratch to 84,141,209 vehicles.24 If we compare to the automobile sector in India, Car sales in India continued to fall for the sixth consecutive month with a 10.43% decline to 1,50,789 units sold in April, due to the sluggish high interest rates on car loans.25 But on the same side the hope in the growth of the Indian Automobile sector is not weak as domestic market growth is observed to be 10.11% as compared to last year in the same period. During April - March, 2012 industry exported 75% OF RAW MATERIAL AND SPARE PARTS IN A MORDERN CAR ARE MANUFACTURED BY INDIA, CHINA AND THAILAND. 2,910,055 vehicles registering a growth of 25.44 % (passenger car 14.18%, commercial vehicles 27.13%).26

Considering a bright future of auto sector in India, companies need to build up a bright brand image in front of stakeholders in order to compete and sustain in the securities industry. As stated above one way of liberalizing the pressure of good brand image has given birth to purchasing social responsibility. It is the purchasing function’s portion of CSR of the company’s supply chain.

Suppliers in the developed nations are facing losses while suppliers in the growing countries like India and China are booming in market with huge profits. As concluded in the article, “On the road: U.S. automotive part industry annual assessment”, the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) countries are expected to experience growth in the automotive sector while the developed nations are likely to observe a saturation point in the sales or even declines. The article also indicates that the supplier industry will try and consolidate and restructure itself in order to compete and sustain in the marketplace due to drastic reduction in the capacity and lower breakeven points.27

In the webinar with Joshua Gingold, Richard Howells and Andres Botero on, “The top ten considerations for real time supply chain management” they considerations and their importance which are as follows,

1. Market Globalization:

- Partners can be anywhere
- Their partners could be anywhere
- Expect the unexpected
- Always have a plan B, C and even D
- Visibility, management and control

2. Just in time Production:

- Thin margin, high demand
- Peak planning

3. Supply and Demand:

- Double sided sword
- Be nimble, quick and opportunistic

4. Accurate Planning:

- Good planning depicts the half story
- Question, confirm and validate

5. Resource Optimization:

- Provisioning

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- Manufacturing
- Transportation and Distribution

6. Partner Coordination:

- Increasing complexity in supplies
- Interdependencies in everything

7. Performance Analysis

- Adapt to change or die
- Taking stock of relationships

8. Risk Management:

- Know what to do when problem arises in future
- Embrace policies and procedures

9. Regulatory Compliances:

- Know the rules and play by them
- When you are in Rome, know their regulations

10. Customer Satisfaction

- Understand the value of exchange
- Standing by your products and taking responsibility of your actions28

Now the PSR can be visualised and understood by the works of Shwan Hanghandish and Per Ingelgard from Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University and it is shown as below:

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Figure 4: Organizational norms dictating appropriate purchasing practises.29

According to the article, the following ten things are to be practiced for PSR and which are as follows,

“ 1) Establishing codes of conduct
2) Training and education of company personnel*
3) Publicize social responsibility efforts/accomplishments
4) Hire and promote more socially responsible personnel*
5) Reject suppliers who lack social responsibility concerns*
6) Promote industry cooperative efforts*
7) Redesign logistical system components for greater social responsibility*
8) Conduct social responsibility audits
9) Encourage greater governmental involvement/regulation of social responsibility issues*
10) Use outside or third parties to manage social responsibility issues (Practices where a statistical significance was found to sustainability ratings are marked with an asterisk) And it was studied by Murphy and Poist.”30

After understanding the requirements of supply chain management in general, we would now move towards the Supply Chain Management (SCM) in the automobile industry.

In the research work by Kamal, Yousuf and Ferdousi, it has been clearly described that a good supply chain can only be achieved when there is trust and information sharing between the suppliers and manufacturers. Although technology and strategic management in acquiring material plays a big role in supply chain management but ultimately it’s the trust and the clarity in all the dealings helps to result a good supply chain for a company. It also proposes to align


the company with its supplier and have a product focus helping to earn more on low margin products like small city cars.31

The buyer and supplier relationship has never been simple and easy going, it is always complex one. The buyer supplier relationship can be created by focusing three main points according to one of my professors, Dr. Ashish Kothari and which are as,

1. Compliance with local and international regulation
2. Conduct that breeds honesty, respect and open dialogue
3. Strategic financing that benefits both parties

The working of an automotive industry can very easily understood from the following Figure 4 From the figure it can be easily said that an automotive industry basically depends on four major ideas,

1. “ The challenges faced by the company.
a. Volatile economy
b. Uncertain gas price
c. Green energy
d. Ethical responsibility

2. The future/solutions of the problems faced.
a. Sustainable development
b. Less dependence on gas
c. Green energy reforms
d. High moral standards

3. Current low cost purchasing and outsourcing strategy and
a. Low supplier R&D support
b. Low cost and High control of quality
c. High inventory
d. Low employee cooperation

4. Triple C-Strategy
a. Low R&D cost
b. Strong supplier technical support
c. Agile and low inventory
d. High employee cooperation ” 32

It could also be interpreted that supply chain management plays a vital role in the company.

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Figure 5: Sustainability factors in automobile industry33

The below figures and graphs are measured by IBM global in one of its globally issued magazine.34

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Figure 6: The top five challenges for the automotive supply chain35

As shown in the above figure automotive industry has always shown a greater visibility in supply chain management, cost containment and globalization whereas in the areas of risk management and support for customer needs it lacks as compared to other industries but now then these figures leads out attention to the cost control in logistics in the industry and which is shown in the following figure:

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Figure 7: Logistic cost control36

The entire value of supply chain relies on the lesser inventory and reducing obsolesce and better part utilization. By analysing production and customer locations, order quantities, transportation costs and delivery times, a manufacturer can determine the right number of distribution centres and their ideal locations. The optimized network reduces warehousing and transportation costs, while still maintaining high service levels.

With the globalization, the automotive industry has responded to the maximum in this sphere. The below facts and figures describes the story in detail.


1 Craig Carter, “Purchase Social Responsibility: A Replication and Extension,” The Journal of Supply Chain Management no. Fall 2004 (November 2004): 4-17.

2 Industry Canada Government of Canada, “Ethical and Social Purchasing,” Case Studies;Promotional Materials;Related Links, accessed December 29, 2013, rse.nsf/eng/rs00584.html.

3 Bosch, “Bosch Automotive Purchase.,” Bosch (January 2013): 1- 4.

4 “Automobile Industry India,” accessed June 10, 2013,

5 Deepshikha Punj and Devika Jeet, “Young Guns of India Are Scaling New Heights : Aspire - India Today,” News,, December 29, 2011, kids-india/1/166310.html.

6 Dr. APJ Kalam, “,” Informative,, July 27, 2008, ons&linkid=48&linkname=Vision%20for%20the%20Nation&content=867&columnno=0&starts=0&menu_ima ge=HomePage/img_2Oct_16_2004_14_24_22_PM.jpg&myheader=Evolution%20of%20India%20Vision%202 020&titlename=null.

7 Ritty Lukose, “Consuming Globalization: Youth and Gender in Kerela, India,” GSE Publications 38, no. 4 (April 6, 2005): 915-935.

8 “Economy of India,” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, June 7, 2013,

9 “FIIs Pour in Rs 15,700 Crore in Indian Stock Market in October,” The Economic Times, accessed December 3, 2013,

10 Wanda Nester, “Network Marketing - Understanding the Importance of Networking, Value Add and Communication,” Informative, Yahoo! Contributor Network, June 28, 2007, marketing-understanding-importance-of-413233.html.

11 Tim, “Social Networking | Critically Chatting Collective’s Blog,” Blog, March 2, 2009,

12 “Global Reporting Initiative,” accessed June 24, 2013,

13 “Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) & Sustainable Development Organized by SERD | CSR 2013,” Informative, accessed June 24, 2013, marketing, and social marketing), employee volunteering, alliances with nonprofit

14 Hess, David and Danielle E. Warren ‘The Meaning and Meaningfulness of Corporate Social Initiatives - J.1467-8594.2008.00317.x.pdf’, Business and Society Review, 113:2 p. 163-197 accessed 20 June 2013,

15 “File:CSR Framework - value1.jpg,” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, accessed December 3, 2013,

16 “Corporate Social Responsibility,” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, December 3, 2013,

17 Craig Carter and Marianne Jennings, “Purchasing’s Contribution to the Socially Responsible Management of the Supply Chain,” Enter for Advanced Purchasing Studies. (2000): 1-56.

18 Ibid.

19 UN Global Compact, “The Ten Principles,” Organizational Web-Site, United Nations Global Compact, accessed June 24, 2013,

20 Carter and Jennings, “Purchasing’s Contribution to the Socially Responsible Management of the Supply Chain.”

21 Jr. Franklin Haris, “Corporate Social Responsibility,” The Freeman, The Foundation for Economic Education, September 1991,

22 Margarita Tsoutsoura, “Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance,” Haas School of Business, University of Californica at Berkeley (March 2004): 1-21.

23 Ibid.

24 “Automotive Industry,” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, June 22, 2013,

25 Chanchal Pal Chauhan, “India’s Car Market on Worst Sales Streak in History,” The Economic Times, May 10, 2013, indian-automobile-manufacturers.

26 “Automobile Industry Statistics of India by Automobile Association of India.,” accessed June 22, 2013,

27 Office of Transpor et al., “On the Road: U.S. Automotive Parts Industry Annual Assessment,” International Trade Administration (2011): 1-78.

28 “The Top Ten Considerations for Real-Time Supply Chain Management - 1018218,” accessed June 24, 2013,

29 Shwan Hanghandish and Per Ingelgaard, “Purchase Social Responsiponsibility in Automobile Sector” (February 2006): 1-98.

30 Ibid.

31 Kamal, Yousuf and Ferdousi, Moriom, Supply Chain Management Practices in Automobile Industry: Study of Ford vs. Toyota (December 1, 2009). Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 75-90, 2009. Available at SSRN:

32 Xia Yu et al., “Management Decision,” Journal of Management History 49 (1967): 495-512.

33 “Emerald | Management Decision | Sustainability in Supply Chain Management: Suggestions for the Auto Industry,” accessed June 26, 2013,


35 Ibid.

36 Ibid.

Excerpt out of 82 pages


How will Generation Y’s Skill in Network Marketing impact ‘Purchase Social Responsibility’ in the Automobile Sector in India?
Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences  (Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt)
How will Generation Y’s Skill in Network Marketing impact ‘Purchase Social Responsibility’ in the Automobile Sector in India?
1,3 German Grade (A+)
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ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
2416 KB
Prof. TU Munich Rashesh Dave poses a most interesting challenge: Is Generation Y interested in giving the automotive producers the kind of feedback that would impact the ways they design, source, make and deliver their automobiles? The thesis is well written, well structure, well documented and keeps the readers interest throughout the whole work. I am impressed with the time, care and efforts given. And I particularly like the qualitative approach and the value the various interviews bring to the whole effort.
Automobile, Network Marketing., Purchase Social Responsibility, Generation Y, Automobile sector in India, Crowd Sourcing
Quote paper
Rashesh Dave (Author), 2014, How will Generation Y’s Skill in Network Marketing impact ‘Purchase Social Responsibility’ in the Automobile Sector in India?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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