Personal & Professional Development (PDP)

Essay, 2012

12 Pages, Grade: B-


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. Findings
3.1. SOAR Framework
3.1.1. Self-Awareness
3.1.2. Opportunity
3.1.3. Aspiration
3.1.4. Result
3.2. Johari Window
3.3. Cash-flow Quadrant
3.4. Covey’s 7 Habits

4. Conclusion

5. What I hope to achieve?

6. What would be the outcomes?

7. References

1. Executive Summary

This report is written on the topic ‘Personal and Professional Development’ which was introduced by University of Bedfordshire’s former student named Arti Kumar. In term of scope this report is broader in context as it includes the application and utilization of certain frameworks and model which we read and learnt in Business Communication module 2. This report consists of two main sections (Findings & Conclusion). In the finding phase, I applied the SOAR model for the purpose of career development. This SOAR framework has four aspects which are: Self awareness, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results. In the first factor (Self-Awareness) I applied another model called MAP (Motivation, Ability and Personality) and found that the career progression is my prominent motivating factor and also concluded that the learning style which looks most attracting for myself is Diverger. And at last I also determined that the personality type characteristics which carried is Harmoniser. In the opportunity phase, I sorted out that in the short run, the most feasible option for myself is to engage in UK retail sector through the temporary or part time job and while in the long run, It would most attracting thing for me is to get employment in the Libyan Government sector as my preference is Job security when it comes to evaluate and analysis any job position. So it means that my aspiration is get employed by Government and then to progression in the specified department or area. Then in the Result phase, I demonstrates the result by mentioned that I have crafted my CV and Cover Letter in relation to the Aspirations I outlined in the previous part. After the SOAR model, I used and harnessed some more models to explore and elaborate self-relisation in depth. Through the use of Johari Window Test on Internet, I discovered certain new things about myself that my blind spot characteristics are intelligent, mature, extrovert and caring. And while the open Area traits are Trustworthy and Confident. Through undergoing Cash-flow Quadrant model, I determined that as job security is my prominent approach in evaluating the given job, so I want to engage myself in Employee Quadrant in short-run as well as in long-run. At the very end, I used Covey’s 7 Habits theory and preferred to adopt first three habits as it will be enough to me to have to do the government job. So, one can say that this report summarises all my career planning and development.

2. Introduction

This report basically describes my UK’s journey through the use of SOAR & MAP model. The report comprises of two section findings and conclusion. In the finding phase, I use SOAR model on my own-self. As you know SOAR is consisting of four factors (Self awareness, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results), so it will assist me to understand where I’m know and where I want to be in future. Within the Self-Awareness aspect I have also another model called MAP (Motivation, Ability & Personality) in order to navigate through my career’s journey. In the second aspect (Opportunity), I will mention the all available options which can I avail in either short or long run and all this is possible through the Opportunity Structure Theory. In third phase (Aspirations), I will give explanation about my career aspiration which is to be made on SMART (Specifiable, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic & Time-Restricted) objectives. And in the final phase of SOAR model, I will show the results which is made in the form of Action Plan, I have developed to achieve the objectives and aspirations in the long- run.

Then afterward, I will use Johari Window in order to identify the traits carried by my-self including the open area and blind spot. I will used another model called cash-flow quadrant to analyze that which quadrant is most important for me from the career development point of view and then in last I will use Covey’s 7 Habits model to evaluate which habit should I adopt for the purpose career preparation and development.

3. Findings

In this section, various models will be applied to get detailed information about the career planning and the career development. The list of model which will used is mentioned below:

- SOAR Model (Framework)
- MAP Model
- Johari Window
- Cash-Flow Quadrant
- Covey’s 7 Habits

These models are briefly discussed and explained below.


This framework was introduced by University of Bedfordshire’s former student named as Arti Kumar. This model is made up of four important components (Kumar, 2008); each component is explained and applied in the section afterward.

3.1.1. Self-Awareness

According to the Arthor (Arti Kumar) the ‘Self’ component is the central and the crucial factor in the SOAR model as it not only helps in acknowledging self-awareness but also helps in getting awareness about other skills as well.

In order to analyze how I approach and reach goals (Self Efficacy), I have used Goal Setting Theory. In result of this theory, I managed to make four propositions which are listed below:

a) I will set challenging goals for the purpose of performance enhancement.
b) My performance will be enhanced.
c) My commitments towards attaining goals will be increased.
d) Feedback in the result of overall performance will helps myself in numerous ways.

After using Self-Efficacy, I went towards using Self-mapping which is made up of three pillars (Motivation, Ability and Personality type). For the purpose of MAP, I have undergone certain psychometric test mentioned on the Job Savvigrad’s extra feature called Profiling for Success. And all MAP results are generated through all those tests. Motivation

i. Through conduction activities like ‘My Journey through Life’ and other related activities, I discovered that I believe on my strength and I’m really much aware about all options available to me. So this thing would helps me in Continuous Profession Development.
ii. By undergoing Career Inventory test, I found out that the career in which I’m really much interested is the Occupation of Enterprising.
iii. The output created in result of Values Inventory test suggests me that the factor which is be valued for me in evaluating any type of job is the career progression.
iv. Evidence: The results are to be the true reflection of my aspiration which are to be known as the preference being made in attaining any goal in the given time frame. Ability

i. By undergoing Dynamic Type indicator work test, I found out that I have various


In harmonious and co-operative working atmosphere, I can work efficiently. I have ability to work in the organizations based on task-orientation. I can manage and control multi-tasking role.

I can perform well in the pressure situations.

ii. By using Kolb Learning test, I determined that the learning style which suits my capabilities and essentials is Derverger and further discover certain traits:

I find out to be an entertaining thing to work on complex problems and likewise to suggest innovative solution for the given problem or issue.

For the better understanding, I love to explore and relates certain theories,

I love to acquire knowledge which is possible through the research, reading or critical evaluation and thinking.

iii. Evidence: the learning preferred by myself is diverger as I love to work in the organizations which are to be known as task orientation and have adopted Management By Objective (MBO) approach. Personality

i. Through the MBTI personality type indicator test, I came to know that Harmoniser (ESFJ) is my personality type which is made-up of four facets (Extrovert, Sensing, Feelings and Judgment). And also drawn the conclusion that the job needed by me will be of nature which promotes goodwill and co-operation extensively. ii. By indulging in Belbin exercise, I discover that the role which suits me under team performance is the role of team player which shows that I’m a caring person and always try myself to avoid and resolve conflicts arises within the team I’m working for. iii. Evidence: Throughout my study and professional career, I always try my best to avoid conflicts with the team as it would effects the team effectiveness and team efficiency.

3.1.2. Opportunity

It is the second most important aspect of SOAR framework as it helps students like me to extract and look for most attractive option for them which will helps in shaping the whole career in a gentle manner.


Excerpt out of 12 pages


Personal & Professional Development (PDP)
University of Bedfordshire
MSc Finance & Business Management
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ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
674 KB
personal, professional, development
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Junaid Javaid (Author), 2012, Personal & Professional Development (PDP), Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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