Transactions in Bionic Patents, Vol. 8: Vortex coil effect-use rig for sailing surfboards

Scientific Essay, 2014

20 Pages

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Dienst (Author)

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Mi. Dienst, Berlin.

Vortex coil effect-use rig for sailing surfboards

DE 202013007167

vortex coil effect-use rig for sailing surfboards characterized in, that the rig is for sailing surfboards from a textile wing membrane and a guide and mounting structure.

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The invention relates to a rig for sailing and windsurfing, consisting of a textile wing membrane and a guide and mounting structure. The rig uses the so-called vortex coil effect (also known as eddy reel effect). The basic principle of the leaflet geometry is the so-called "crab claws rig" modeled.

State of the art, Historical overview and novelty.

The crab claw sail comes from Polynesia. It has a triangular shape and is used on outrigger canoes (Proas). When Dutch explorer Abel Tasman (* 1603, ✝ 1659) in 1642 reached as the first European to New Zealand, the technique of Proas, developed and established through oral tradition and work for hundreds of years if not millennia was. Variations of the crab claw sails are between

2000 and 2700 years before our era dated, localities on the west coast of Peru. The technical excellence of the Polynesians and the peoples of the Pacific, especially the navigation and marine technology has been completely underestimated by the explorers in their excellence and ability and disregarded, because it did not meet the design paradigms of the old world this time.

More recently, theoretical explanations of the physical mode of action and measurement tests to determine the performance crab claw sails were made (see also: Marchaj [Marc 03]).

The results of recent research suggest a significant performance and efficiency potential of the crab claw sail. However, the almost exclusively known research on the interpretation of the crab claws-Riggs is the "delta-wing" form. This is true for a very specific mode of sailing (lying inclined triangular shape to the wind). In historical records, drawings, prints and engravings, often the upright triangular shape of the crab claw sail in operation, to the wind and against the wind, are listed. Against the background of the historical traditions and the employment of recent research with crab claws-Riggs is the novelty of the basic geometric shape of the sail, which is the subject of this invention, doubtful. The novelty of the vortex coil effect-using rigs for sailing surfboards according to claim 1, however, is given.

State of science

The reasoning for the aerodynamic efficiency of the crab claw sail as inclined lying triangular delta wing shape (to the wind) is state of the art and can be found in the relevant literature [Marc-64] [Marc-97] [Marc-00]. For the argument to the aerodynamic efficiency of the crab claw sail than in operational upright triangular shape of the crab claw sail, the wind and driven before the wind, the so-called vortex coil theory is to be used, which (1) is also state of the science, but (2) not the standard repertoire of classical fluid dynamics is one, however, (3) necessary and sufficient forms the physical background for the invention of claim1.

State of the science, vortex coil phenomenology.

After the wing theory the buoyancy flow around a wing depends on the circulation [Kutta Jankowski]. Superimposing at a flow body (with a two-dimensional model representation in the profile plane of the flow body), a translational and rotatory flow field, comes as a result of the circulation around this body to delay the flow on one side and to an acceleration of the flow on the other side. According to the Bernoulli equation, the acceleration results in a pressure reduction, the delay to a pressure increase, which is felt as a lifting force, in the case of a wing. For a being streamed, finite wing (wing section), the lift force is distributed over the elliptical lift-generating body. As a result of the pressure gradient occurs at the physical end of the wing to flow around the wing edge. In the wake of wing tip flow (Kantenumströmung) now forms a compact vortex, which is described as induced by the pressure gradient edge vortex in the literature. The induced eddy edge binds a significant proportion of the applied for generating the lifting forces of the system energy. The vortex in the wake of a lift-generating wing is very stable. In flow studies of the wind tunnel but also by numerical flow simulations the fluid flow (Umströmungsgebaren) to be produced at the ends of buoyancy flow body can be made visible. Each induced by the buoyancy behavior of a surface of the wing vortex is ideally compact in its speed distribution in its cross section and forms a gradual rotatory remote box. If there are two or more compact vortex braids the same direction and of similar, in a favorable case, the same intensity, the vortex braids in the wake of their origin place begin to rotate around a common center. A helical vortex coil structure is formed. While the vortex braids downstream spin on the mantle of the vortex coil around a common central axis formed within the vortex coil along the central (imaginary) current thread from the accelerated flow which is limited and led to the outside through the vortex sheath and in their inner flow profile is rotor free. This as a "vortex coil effect" phenomenon known was in the 70s and 80s of the last century documented by measurement tests, developed a theory of vortex coil and of Ingo Rechenberg in

Berlin patented a wind turbine [Rech-85] [Rech-85] [www-11 ] [www-12] [www-13]. The acceleration of the flow within the vortex coil is intense and the speeds can take over the reel effect inducing Wing tip flow more than three times the value. From wind tunnel measurements is known that vortex coil to a lift- generating wings of the cumulative wing section depth t generated downstream of a length of L> 10 t of time exists stably and produces a rotor free jet stream over the entire distance. The speed level of the internal flow may increase such that due to the decrease in pressure in the jet (Bernoulli's equation, continuity equation) can implode the enveloping sheath flow and the effect of carrying vertebral coil loses its helical structure and is ultimately destroyed.

State of science, biology and technology.

Slow sailing birds with their box-shaped and fitted to the wingtips, with finger wings use the eddy reel effect [Nach 02]. The jet stream generated by the vortex coil plays to a certain extent the energy used to generate buoyancy of the country glider again. Rechenberg examined the buoyancy conduct large slow sailing perfoming birds and postulated the biological reel effect, before he proved it by experiments on biological and technical wings lift generating wing. Also seabirds with their slender wings have such wingtips, albeit less pronounced. An induced drag-reducing effect is here achieved by the geometry of the buoyancy-induced (induced) edge vortex is deformed and weakened in its compactness. In their technical execution, this resistance-reducing (singular) are called "winglets" and are state of the art.


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Transactions in Bionic Patents, Vol. 8: Vortex coil effect-use rig for sailing surfboards
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vortex coil effect, crab claws rig
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Dipl.-Ing. Michael Dienst (Author), 2014, Transactions in Bionic Patents, Vol. 8: Vortex coil effect-use rig for sailing surfboards, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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