A Meta-Analytic Validation of the Dunn and Dunn Model of Learning-Style Preference

Term Paper, 2014

5 Pages, Grade: 9.0



The intrinsic nature of learning process where a learner manifests changes in behavior as result of experience has provoked serial debates in Education Research. The discussions range from “what”, “when”, “how” and “where” would a learner be able to perform; which not only view a learner as subject of knowledge but also an ultimate object for knowledge generation. The differences in performance among learners are evident and require an extensive investigation to improve and maintain. However, the fundamental question remains as to “why” students’ performance is different; this is a crucial starting point to understand the different ways “style” which a learner use in the daily learning processs (Brown, 1994; Sorenson, 2011).

In this article, the study sought to analyze the hypothesis that “accommodating students’ learning-style preferences increase academic achievement”. The study analysis delimits to understanding of how various factors influence how students learn and their consequential effect on academic achievement. The study extarcted research studies through computer-based survey; fourty two studies out of 138 were rated by Lytton and Romney’s rating scales, then 6 of 42 were discarded following inherent validity threat. The sample of 3181 from 36 studies was thereafter subjected to meta-analysis.

Through Meta-analysis cummulative effect size r of .353 was calculated with residual variance of 0.79, the latter converted to Mean Standard Deviation (MSD) d  of.755. The measures complemented to standard normal curve, revealing that the academic achievement of students will increase three fourths (3/4) when learning learning style are accommodated than those whose learning styles have not been accommodated.

Generally the findings from the study established the fact that to ensure optimal academic achievement, it is inevitably necessary to understand and account (i.e. implication for instructional interventions) for the factors that best provide or compliment the students’ affection and passion (style) to learning of particular subject (s).

Description of the Research Design

- The research design is Quantitative and experimental
-The data were extracted through computer-based search and 36 Experimental research studies were sampled
-Measurement of effect size – Coefficient of Correlation (r) made from transformation of quantitative statistical tests from the studies (means, f ratios , t tests and Chi squares)
-The study sought to investigate on what conditions when accommodated affects learners’ academic achievement (controlled conditioning)
-The data collection design was cross-sectional (the data from different studies across ten years- 1980-1990).

Excerpt out of 5 pages


A Meta-Analytic Validation of the Dunn and Dunn Model of Learning-Style Preference
University of Dodoma  (College of Education)
Research Methods and Statistical Analysis
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
454 KB
meta-analytic, validation, dunn, model, learning-style, preference
Quote paper
Yazidu Saidi Mbalamula (Author), 2014, A Meta-Analytic Validation of the Dunn and Dunn Model of Learning-Style Preference, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/271450


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