How media work. A critical approach towards political economy

Term Paper, 2011

9 Pages, Grade: B

Abstract or Introduction

“Text Analysis provides some insight of the media messages but it is the CPE (Critical Political Approach) that truly explains the working of the media in present times.”
This essay is about the evaluation of the above said statement in context of the ‘advertising’ that is one of the most popular sectors of the modern media.
The advertisements can be portrayed as a medium of communiqué created to reach a large number of audiences with no individual contact between the advertiser and the viewer. This includes several mediums of advertisements like magazines, books, newspapers, websites, radio, cinema and television. Everywhere we get to see loads of advertisements selling one or the other product or service. These advertisements are indeed influencing our lives to a great extent. For example, we are always keen to buy the deodorant or the perfume we last seen in the advertisement without even analyzing its effects on our body. Similarly, our kids become crazy about the new flavored toothpaste advertised last week without taking much interest on its benefits to the teeth and bad breathe. This is the big virtual world where we all are living and we are happy to see these advertisements for both entertainment and awareness.
But the big question is: Whether these advertisements are influencing our minds negatively or positively? To find out the answer to this question, researchers have adopted 2 dissimilar approaches; Text Analysis and Critical Political Economy.


How media work. A critical approach towards political economy
University of Kent
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400 KB
Quote paper
Kim Clay (Author), 2011, How media work. A critical approach towards political economy, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


  • your style seems awkward and there are lots of mistakes in your text. For instance, the plural of medium is not mediumS, but MEDIA; similarly, in the third paragraph, while you should have used BAD BREATH, you used the verb BREATHE. I'm sure there is a plethora of other mistakes that requires revision.
    that said, try to avoid words like ambiguous terms such as TRULY, and superlatives like best unless it is based on hard facts, and not mere assumptions!
    If I were you, I would also choose the vocabulary I use attentively. Academic work does not involve such words as "for example" and overwhelmingly SIMPLISTIC combinations of sentences.
    I hope my remarks could be of help. If you need anything, I'd be glad to come forward as I see fit.
    Kind regards,

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