Funds Management: 7IM vs. Dimensional

Term Paper (Advanced seminar), 2012

9 Pages, Grade: A

Abstract or Introduction

The investment philosophy of Seven Investment Management Company is to provide the clients and other financial intermediaries with an investment advise which is more innovative and practical along with the management and platform facilities. Since the company in itself is solely an investment company, the objects of the organization thus solely depicts the investment philosophy which the firm follows. These goals ad aims mainly pertain to the company’s willingness to promote integrity and honesty within the company with the eventual result of having promoted a culture which helps the organization maintain this honesty and integrity with customers. The company seeks to be innovative in the funds it offers and promotes sensible and common sense when making investment decisions to the clients. The company also promotes the philosophy of providing an exceptional service and personalized attention to its clients. The fee charged by the organization helps the company achieve transparency. The company demonstrates independence in their services and products and lastly the company wants to be seen in the investment with the clients as a valuable partner (7IM, 2013).
The company also impresses upon the use of the same approach to investment by the private investors as that used by the institutional investors for the sole benefit of the clients themselves. Lastly the company’s investment philosophy also includes the sustainable growth of the company’s profits or a steady financial performance of the organization. This it aims to achieve by giving their own investment money to an investment manager who would produce a steady performance of the company without any extra effort required to be put (7IM, 2013).


Funds Management: 7IM vs. Dimensional
University of Cambridge
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
571 KB
funds, management, dimensional
Quote paper
Richards Macdonald (Author), 2012, Funds Management: 7IM vs. Dimensional, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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