20th Century Business Requires an Eclectical Approach to Management

Essay, 2010

6 Pages, Grade: 2

Abstract or Introduction

The speed of change in all parts of the business in 20th century requires a modification in management styles, too. If you modify the surroundings and requirements you will have to tackle management as well, because various business situations need a different management. Globalization is one of the many reasons why the speed of development and change is rapid and employees change their jobs more often. The society is getting separated into groups: uneducated workers or caseworkers and well educated employees. There are also different cultures in one company, and each culture has different norms and values. The workplaces get more intercultural which leads to new challenges for everyone. Nowadays more and more women are well educated in contrast to other women who like to have a family and work in part-time-jobs. If the modification of business life continues we need to change management styles as fast as we can because such employees call for a special leadership. Leaders play an important role in setting an example for all those values, behaviors and considerations expected from employees. Leaders have to ensure that these changes in an organization are accepted and implemented in a way that not only result in a better job performance but also in general understanding and satisfaction for all. Based on various literature, this essay examines the two management styles, called Management by Delegation and Management by Exception and shows that there are differences between them. Every management style has advantages and disadvantages for a particular business situation in the 20th century which will be described in the following essay.


20th Century Business Requires an Eclectical Approach to Management
University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
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419 KB
century, business, requires, eclectical, approach, management
Quote paper
Melanie Müller (Author), 2010, 20th Century Business Requires an Eclectical Approach to Management, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/189242


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