
A Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth

Essay, 2007

5 Pages, Grade: 1,3

Abstract or Introduction

As we have been talking so much about religion, I want to show you today an alternative approach to Christianity which became very interesting for young people from all over the world.
We have already discussed in class the influence of globalization on individual and societal problems as well as reforming of people’s cultural identity (like in China), new forms of living together in alternative communities (Hutterers, Amis) and the rise of different religious movements. Our pluralistic society is more and more confronted with problems due to various opinions and live-concepts. One considers a clash between cultures, especially western and eastern countries, as well as between the rich and the poor, because of inequal distribution of resources. But also inside countries the conflict potential became very high through immigration. Terrorism, fear, violence, emmigration problems, religious conflicts, misery. Are these expressions determining our daily life today?

Maybe not that drastically, but we can see that people are scrutinizing the meaning of life and its tradtitional values, like work and family as fulfillment. Is it worth having a family? Is it worth working just for money? Especially young people sometimes feel lost in our society which has lost much of its norms and values for a satisfying life, but at the same time increased the number of possibilities which can lead us to a satisfying life-style. But which way to choose? Which products to buy? Are we defining ourselfes just through the things we have instead of the kind of person we are? Is it possible to find answers to questions of young people and to encourage them to do, what they really want to do?

That’s why I want to present you today the community of Taizé. The ecumenical community of Taizé in France gives young people of any cultural attitude and religious belief to experience themselves and others by praying (which means singing and meditation) common working for the community and discussing subjects of interest. Living religion through its simplicity is the aim of the group of male believers, called “brothers” who dedicated their life in order to extend and transmit religious values like trust, friendship and love, especially to the younger generation.


A Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth
University of Bamberg  (Wirtschaftsenglisch)
English for Social Scientists
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
417 KB
www.taize.de Taizé ist eine oekumenische Gemeinschaft von Bruedern in Frankreich. Vor allem auf Jugendliche hat diese eine grosse Anziehungskraft und spirituelle Bedeutung.
religion, spirituality, monastery, alternative way of living, community, spirit, freedom, self-development, identity, youth, youth culture, meetings, international, Taize, brothers, Frere Roger, Roger, Brother Roger, Bruder, Alternative Lebenswege, Alternativ Leben, Alternatives Leben, Kloster, Einsamkeit, Stille, Peace, Gemeinschaft, Spiritualitaet, Ruhe, junge Menschen, Christen, Persoenlichkeit, Freiheit, Kirche, Meditation, Tagesablauf, Weltfrieden, Beten, Prayer, internationale Jugendtreffen, Europa, Voelkerverstaendigung, Understanding, Nations, Culture
Quote paper
Mirjam Moegele (Author), 2007, Taize, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/147123


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