Is it right to ask university and job applicants their ethnic origin?

Essay, 2006

3 Pages, Grade: 2

Abstract or Introduction

The second day in the university, I wanted to register with the medical centre. I had to fill in a form asking me about my address, previous diseases and allergies. At the bottom of the page there was a field where I had to tick a box confirming which ethnic background I had. I considered the filling in of that form to be up to my own knowledge and conscience and as I had never been asked such a question before I left the box blank and handed the form to the lady seated at the desk. She scanned through what I had filled in and gave it back to me: “You must fill in your ethnic origin,” she said. I told her I did not know what my ethnic origin was and that I had never been asked that before – not mentioning that I was utterly confused by the many choices I had. Of course, I knew I was white. But I was not ‘White English’ or ‘White Scottish’ or ‘White Welsh’, which was certain. She said: “You are from Germany? So you are ‘White Other’.” Now, that really killed me. I ticket the corresponding box and discomposedly went outside, wondering what difference it would make to define my ethnic background this specifically. And, if she knew I was from Germany and thus my ethnic origin was ‘White Other’, why did I have to tick the box then? Can’t she guess it herself? What was the use of that anyway?


Is it right to ask university and job applicants their ethnic origin?
University of Bath  (Department of European Studies and Modern Languages)
Modern British Society
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
363 KB
Ethnic Origin, Britische Landeskunde
Quote paper
Katja Buthut (Author), 2006, Is it right to ask university and job applicants their ethnic origin?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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