Munro, Alice - The Office - Textanalysis

Presentation / Essay (Pre-University), 2000

2 Pages


Analysis of Alice Munro`s „The Office“ considering aspects of traditional role concepts and their influence on the behaviour of the protagonist and her antogonist

The short story „The Office“ by Alice Munro deals with a woman who is torn between the traditional female role concept and her profession as an independent writer.

The main point at issue is to analyse the story according to the influence of set role concepts on a character but also the conflicts and different types of behaviour which result in these role.

The story can be divided into two sections according to the setting. In the first part the protagonist who is also the narrator reveals her dissatisfactory situation at home, where she feels cramped by being just a mother and housewife. In the second part the reader experiences the attempt to emancipate herself as a writer by renting an office of her own. Soon a conflict between the antagonist, her landlord Mr.Malley, and her arises because she feels bothered by his obtrusive behaviuor. He inhibits her self-confidence by means of depriciation. She gives up her office and her dream of independence.

The initial situation is that the narrator has ambivalent feelings towards being only a housewife, mother and wife. On the one hand she feels „sheltered“ and „warmed“ but on the other hand „bound“ which is expressed in the phrase: „A woman is the house“. She cannot even „shut the door“ to be alone because it „was an offence against nature“, which means a a negligence of her duties. Another aspect is that people do not appreciate her qualities as female writer. „Fiction“ is all she can reply when she is asked about her writing „being humiliated“. She longs for independence and avoidance of traditional role functions of women.

A contemporary solution to this is the acquisition of an office of her own which is a typical status symbol of self-employment normally attributed to men. This is also the basis to redefine her role and to emancipate herself from all those role restrictions and furthermore a means to realize her creative self as a writer.

Thus she gets into contact with the landlord Mr. Malley who is a very contradictory character. According to his outward appearance the narrator notices that he displays masculine ornaments for instance diplomas, a huge ashtray and he has „a tendency to spread himself“ which, might serve as a means of compensation.. Contrary to this he appears to be quite effeminite.. Besides this the narrator feels his longing for intimacy but there is a chronic mistrust about him. Mr. Malley often visits her, shows interest in her work and gives presents to her but nevertheless she faces his nearness with a certain unease. She only yields to his appeal to her pity and to her curiosity out of politeness and her characteristic trait to placate people: „How could I confront, in the open, this craving for intimacy?“She feels cramped and almost blackmailed by his affection but she is not able to set limits to him: „This is a test and I did not pass it.“ Mr. Malley`s behaviour is a typical attempt of a man courting a woman., a man`s role to get attention. To the narrator however it is an obstacle to her drive towards independence and emancipation.

One day she learns that Mr.Malley reads her manuscript which makes her very angry.

Instead of explaining to him that she does not want to be disturbed when writing she locks her door. This is the point when the forced coexistence turns into an open conflict .

Mr.Malley feels inappropriately rejected, makes him the victim and accuses her of behaving in an immoral and abnormal way.. His vanity as a man to court a woman is hurt. He no longer tolerates the narrator`s claim as a writer and offends her by saying he had „never seen her name in print“.“ Just give me your word of honour there won`t be any more deceptions“. He blames her of having painted the walls of the washroom with graffity.

After all these unjust accusations there is no basis left for rational discussion. This is an unbearable situation for the narrator and she leaves with an „absorbing depression“.

It is a defeat not only concerning the conflict with Mr. Malley and the fact that she simply could not get the better of him with this claim but the inner conflict between female role restrictions and her drive towards independence.

In order to sum it up in can be stated that the protagonist and the antagonist as well have internalized traditional role functions. As far as the title „The Office“ is concerned the deeper meaning of this acquisition is revealed, the symbolical character of the office. The narrator wants to attach importance to her job and to her creative self.

The story is narrated in first person which implies a limited and subjective view of the events and only gives insight into the narrator`s own mind. She only emphasizes her own feelings and impressions and comments on the antagonist`s remarks and behaviour. One can come to the conclusion that the narrator used this method to cope with the predominant conflict by means of autotherapy.

Traditional role concepts play an important role in today`s society and many people still adhere to those patterns. Taking this view one has to concede that it is harder for a woman to gain independence and self-realization and to emancipate. Especially pregnancy is a handicap for those women who want to find a job. It requires greater efforts especially courage as in this case and also very much depends on the surrounding and if they are brought up on a traditional basis. In the course of time a development or a tendency towards deviating from this rigid pattern becomes evident. More and more woman take in higher positions in politics and economy and in some cases children are raised by their father while their mother earns the money.

Excerpt out of 2 pages


Munro, Alice - The Office - Textanalysis
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325 KB
Munro, Alice, Office, Textanalysis, Englisch
Quote paper
Timm Seng (Author), 2000, Munro, Alice - The Office - Textanalysis, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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